Need some much needed quite time after a super hectic last 2 weeks. Came to the cabin. Been cutting next years firewood,napping,jambing to classic rock and stewing up a big pot or chicken soup. 3# chicken thighs (with fat) on them, celery, a big onion, 2#s baby carrots, 1.5# cut up asparagus, 2 big orange bell peppers. Lots of black pepper,Italian seasonings, garlic and ginger. Been stewing for 3 hours. Gonna be good.
Great day spend in the woods today. Coming into my cabin after a cold hunt to dry heat is worth the time/labor.
Last summer had a storm come thru took out some trees and branches. 1 oak the wood ducks nest in, a big branch broke off just above the entrance to the nest. I filled the hole with spray foam and thought well if the ducks don't come back I will cut the tree down. Looked out this morning the ducks are using it hen was in the tree this morning.
When Grandmas Easter Tubs were a hit Yes tubs...mix of needed essentials sandals, with a very little bit of chocolate, cookies, sf jello, activity books, snuggle pillows, the must have squirt guns,and bean bag toss game. Smiles on face of kids and parents...
Hubby out of the blue offering to buy me a cultipacker. Now I'd love a crimper but no way I'd spend that much. He's looking at the 3 pt ones. I'm looking at weight for down pressure. and "disc type" not nubby wheels. Thinking better for deeper seeding like corn but also the ability to roll over termination crops in one direction then cross rolling to break stalks. Also the ability to over seed then get down to dirt to have better seed / dirt contact. What do you guys think? crimpers are now all the rage and prices show it.
So I called the company with questions before an order is made...2 thou. Isn't a little money to me. I states it's prefilled. Hubby said what's that mean. He deals with construction not farm equipment. I said the cheaper ones are usually filled with water before used to weight them like a lawn roller. This being steel and prefilled is probably sand. His next thing is where ? I said they wouldn't fill the tubular frame they have probably filled the 16 individual steel discs. Then manual doesn't say so I called them ..OMG answering recordings...I finally get to sales and they had to do a call back..which to their credit was fast. No clue on my questions, so transferred to support. Kill me now...eye roll...Heavy accented woman I can barely understand..I'll get the manual. NO! It's not in the manual I'm intelligent enough to have read it on line BEFORE calling. I'm put on hold for the fouth time... no idea. Mind you I could hear her or someone doing dishes the entire time we talked. Call sales again..this time on hold while he runs next door to support clue PROBABLY sand but they don't really know...I'm waiting for a message from a lead guy in a meeting. Why am I so bugged by all this? I'm a WOMAN talking to guys selling equipment that mostly men use and they know less than I do. The only reason they mentioned sand was because I said it must be sand because you manufacture to sell across the country and filling with water would be foolish for steel and sub zero temps in some areas. Response, ya that makes sense.
It seems like it's time for running of the bulls again in Spain, I love it I always root for the bulls. It is better than watching kids fall off bikes when a bull gets a nice clean blow in on some clown.
I know you said you want the smooth wheels but I have the 72" model from Kunz that's the pull behind. Very well made and did an outstanding job of killing my buckwheat last year, I made one pass and then sprayed it. I'm going to use it for beans this year. Get the ground disced well, follow w a tooth harrow to make the "rows", broadcast speed and then roll it w last. I've done this in thr past w good results Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
Like any problem just write a check. I have been fighting a battle with spiders and webs. Big windows and lights on at night draws the bugs, with that the spiders. Well I bought a jug of tempo today, a little spendy but I will not be spraying and brushing spider webs every week all summer.