We always tried hard to make this happen when the kids were small. One really enjoyable thing we came up with was a jar full of slips of paper that we would put in the middle of the table and everyone had to draw one each evening meal. Each slip would have a conversation starter on it. Things like; What is one thing you learned today?, Who is your best friend? What was the best part of your day? What are you thankful for? ...and on and on. You would be amazed at how much you can learn about your kids and yourself from such a simple activity. I encourage any of you with children to give this a try. Heck, when the kids got older and moved on, my wife and I would still drag that jar out on occasion.
Most of the time our dinner table was like a pack of coyotes trying to quick snarf down a meal before sports or 4-H or horse stuff.
^^^^ I wonder where he learned all that. Pretty sure it wasn't your wife! Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
Damn if I didn't fix that 3x's and still screwed up! Lol nope they can't do that it is considered a no building lake. Not that they wouldn't try! Completely undeveloped shores. Her sister lake is the same, save the Rochester water treatment plant. I never understood that the city is miles and miles away sitting on the lake Ontario shores. Yet their treatment plants way out here .
What was I thinking? Tomorrow night the grandsons are staying overnight, their parents have a thing. 1 27 months old 1 2 months old. If the little one thinks he is going to wake up Grandpa, he is mistaken. I am old I don't sleep I just wait.
I used to bring up uncomfortable topics like every time you take your willie out you can make a baby, explained the ramifications if you get pregnant before a college degree and marriage. We still laugh about it years later.
LOL! Honestly, these conversations with our kids were really quite simple and comfortable because they were used to having open conversations about all kinds of topics. My oldest son had 5 girls in his class get pregnant before graduation from HS and there were only 135 kids total! Thankfully, none of the babies were his.
Friday almost noon back home from a landfill visit, working from home the rest of the day, Grandsons coming over.
Must be easier to treat that water. A local town has deep wells a few miles outside their border. They could have taken water from part of Lake MI just like 2 other towns-would have been just about the same distance to get the water to the treatment plant. They just had better quality well water to start with.
Went for a 4 wheeler ride, played hot wheels, crawled on the floor, got ordered around like a private. 2 year old monster is asleep. I'm spent.
Got a call from the wife this afternoon that the grader guy buried us with snow. Really was not looking forward to dealing with that on a Friday night after work. I got home tonight just to see the neighbor across the street pushing the last of the snow away from my place. I got out of the truck as he pulled up to me. Told him thanks and asked what I owed him for saving me a lot of work. He said nothing as he enjoyed helping out a great neighbor ( me ). I told him that he must not have heard the bad rumors about me if he thinks I am great. He laughed, said he did and drove off. After the crappy day I had, Kevin made my day. He never asks for help. I never ask for help but we both will offer to help each other out. He is a great neighbor !!
I went to town thought the daughter was coming for supper bought some top sirloin steaks was going to make stroganoff but they all went home. I am going to prep the steak in a cast iron pan after the onions have been caramelized.
Pretty amazing..man saving hundreds of Jewish children https://twitter.com/ValaAfshar/status/1497566350033707008?s=20&t=x15wsFQLMxkdliY4YAzREA