Garden seeds. Had my list at one company all made up..$93.00 Before calling in the order I did one more search and found and obscure seed sale list at another company, I've used in past. Basically same amount and same seeds better shipping $42.00. Order shipped already.
Wifes team set their school conference wins record last night with two conference games to go. They were 2 and 16 in 2019, her first year. They are 13 and 3 this season and are in the hunt for the conference regular season title.
A.J.and I took.a 3 mile walk today. The last mile through foot deep snow. All I had to wear was a fleece shirt and leggings. What a beauriful day!
Please please just keep that out there...though I know it's coming this mid week. Today was just a blessing.
Eating supper tonight and my 4 year old son is adding and multiplying into the hundreds and my daughter who just turned 2 last week is saying her full ABCs. I love being a parent. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
Best thing I ever did, and the best blessing was eating supper as a family as much as possible, it does make a difference.
Agreed. Not always a table setting for my family but we have a couple months in the spring and fall where we have supper in the field and that's probably even more enjoyable for me. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
that's awesome for you and the boy, just don't get rooked into a 'magnet' school 'for the gifted'; especially if it's in the hood. Freaking sucked. Total scam.
Tonight, I signed off on my oldest picking classes for his first year of middle school; AP classes for math, science, english, and social studies. For electives he chose EAST and Intro to Foreign Languages and Cultures.
My old man worked 2nds most of my childhood, Mom always had dinner waiting for him when he got home at 10pm. I'd do my homework, watch TV, then hang out with her while she made family dinner. Then I ate dinner with the both of them when he got home. Turned me into a night owl for life, but that's never held me back and I always had mom and dad time. By the time I was in school everyone said I talked like a little man. Kids should not be coddled or sequestered and need to see parents talking amongst themselves. That's how they learn how adults talk to each other and work stuff out.
I had a lot of action with deer last night. Nine at once stopping by the camera for some corn before heading to my beans. I had over 30 deer in the beans. Never mind the mouth breather manning the camera!
Counted 10 in farmers hay field behind our plasc on the way home yesterday. One young one in clover next to house. But up to 30 in the tops from the neighbors logging. Turned around in his drive when checking our lower road frontage. They took a slough if logs off him most pretty good looking. I can now just barely see the lake from my window. WTH was that!