I saw a white tailed hawk today, pretty certain I had never seen one before. But it can't be, it was the size of a red tail possibly bigger and definite black and white speckled tail and underside. Sharp Shin Hawk I guess, can check that off.
That looked so good, my wife and I made some.... Kinda. Used sugar free pudding and high key (low carb/keto friendly) wafers. The banana had the sugar.
at my parents old house in Indiana they had a crabapple tree, usually by mid winter the berries were a little fermented, the leftover/early robins would hammer them and then get absolutely hammered themselves.
My little guy loves watching whatever im watching. Eating whatever im eating. Man i want to freeze him at this age. Not forever but at least for a little while. He turns 2 next week and he is so fun. My best buddy.
An hour of steps ups with a 25lb pack fix that. At least, that is what I told myself yesterday morning.
Next month and for the first time in over 16 years, I'll be moving to a 9 to 5, mon through Fri gig. First full daylight action ever. Hahaha. Gonna be strange as hell but needed.
Second chances. I'm still trying to understand how the hell I am so lucky. Sent from my SM-G781V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Anybody here tried the softwave stem cell therapy? It is early in the process but I am feeling better, see how much better it gets.
I am doing hips and lower back, thing is it gets rid of the inflammation not what causes it in joints. It may work or me because my hips are bone on bone about a 1/4 of the joint, I had leg braces as a kid to align but it is still at a slight angle so the wear is concentrated. Getting rid of inflammation is key, I feel better than I have in 5 years. I wake up feeling better pain wise and that is huge, nothing worse that waking up at 3:30 sore as hell.
Thank you it feels a lot better and it makes a difference. I can feel it especially when I get up in the morning pack up my lunch and drive and do not have that lower body toothache feeling.