You have a land line that still rings and you answered the phone when it rang, holy crap what a step back in time. I have not talked on the phone to my inlaws extended family since we ditched the land line, such a blessing to not get stuck on the phone with my wife's deaf aunt.
I hate my cell phone so the land line, despite the internet, is a must. Usually the answering machine picks up. but we have a phone up in my bedroom and I was ironing there. So answered. Besides I answer like a business. "Good afternoon, (my name), speaking how may I help you? Instant click...though I stay on the line a few seconds because that isn't a hang up. I wait for the next click and dial tone. Then hang up. If companies ask for # I give house one to avoid cell robo calls.
I have to ask old were you ironing clothes to hang in the closet? That is old school now days you hang the clothes and iron them before you wear them.
You'll love this.. I iron for hubby twice a week. Now he is in construction. All shirts,flannels and demins. Then I iron all his jeans! One thing better, I also darn his socks, patch his weekend jeans and wait for it...I detach and turn his work shirt collars when they frey.... Oh ....even his holey weekend shirts and jeans with patches get ironed.
I don't have an iron. I don't need an iron. I eat just enough that my body can easily displace the wrinkles in my clothes!
With the exception of my fleece, every item we own is 100% cotton. He will not wear blends. Even sheets have to be 100% cotton, boy have they gotten expensive over the years!
Just finished presenting my 2 hour webinar, last official act of the week. Going to go home pop a top, clean some corn, pack my suitcase. I am out of this frozen hell.
Just finished half of drive and turn around...5 degrees and sweating bullets. What does that even mean?.. LOL Head to the canvas barn uuuggghhh
Here's the tough spot, but I couldn't ask for a nicer winter day...little wind, tons of sun and birds singing.
We had a dog that was seven years old. Started having seizures when he was about four. Vet put him on phenobarbitol. Got to the point he was having seizures every 60-90 minutes. Couldn't control himself so it was clean up the den. He would recover and just wander aimlessly around the den. He looked at you with a vacant stare. Putting him down was one of the hardest things I have to do. There was nothing else to be done. Sorry to be so negative but this is what we experienced with our dog. Good luck and hope something can be done.
My son buying a house in the spring student loans paid off in 2 years after graduation us too. I bought property at 27 they both did it before they were 25.
Found a place that is the place that will convince me to sell and move. It would be an hour and a half drive to work but I can work from home some days. Last place on a dead end road on a lake my uncle had a cabin on. Close enough so both kids and their families are apt to spend lots of time there.
Only his second time to go fishing with the family. This time he actually wanted to have a rod and cast into the water. He needs more practice before I will put a hook on it, but the interest is there!
I think you are doing it right, when kids are young fishing from the shore is easier, there is more to keep their interest. When my kids were young we would go to the Mississippi to a spot I fished as a kid. My daughter would stay by her pole, my son just wanted to explore the river bank.
Well things are moving now, contractor coming to give us numbers to remodel, the realtor is coming to tell us what we can get as is, or some updates like reroofing the garages and residing them. I don't need a lot to make the numbers match for a monthly payment.
Good luck with the property, sota. My son commutes an hour one way. He's got five kids in a three bedroom, two bath house. Looking t o move closer to work. Can't find anything that looks like what they want but still looking.
When I bought this place it was for the piece of land and the barn. The house is half built into a hill has log rafters with tongue on groove ceiling, 3 additions (not done by me). My plan was to bulldoze the place and build new. 2 days after we signed the purchase agreement found out my wife was pregnant. I have remodeled about every room in the house but still. It only has 1 bathroom for 3 bedrooms. But the half mile driveway with the tree canopy tunnel is what will sell the place.
Tie a slip knot and cinch a worm up at least Never know, that little bluegill or catfish may lock jaw on it and he lands one, worse case he atleast gets excitement seeing a bite with no dangers of a hook.