OMG I loved mine and sold it for a good price and they drove it a long time. It was a standard and a zippy little thing. My roomy had one as well she loved hers to. The one issue I had with it was the timing in the original motor..but hubby dropped a new engine in it after we got married...he had a 67 Broncos.we loved that too.
Here's one for the eco minded my very first car was a Plymouth Fury..dear God that was a gas guzzler that I drove back and forth to college until the engine seized up. What a tank. It was my step mothers car and she made me pay 250.00 for it out of my college money 90,000 0n it...she was was a class a C! BTW I had 3 jobs in high school and paid for my own college.
I had a 1963 rambler 4 door, thing burned so much oil. My dad gave me a 5 gallon jug of bar and chain oil that I ran thru it.
I don't know about, that kids being kids back then she and I left left where I worked.,night club. Both had had as few ...3 a.m. I was manager. We were racing the last Two mile country stretch to apt. "Trailer on a farm. She missed the turn off and landed Straddled across a 6 ft ditch. The farmer land Lord helped us out on that one to as void police. It was in really good shape considering drivable. Dumb things in youth,most all I know should be dead by rights...including me.
I had a 78 Jeep cj5 that burned oil like also in HS. My dad always asks what ever happened in that Jeep that had the Schmidt beer tap handle on the shifter. I just tell him he’s better off not knowing.
64 Plymouth fury, 318, moved well, 28 mpg highway, front bench seat reclined, what a concept for an 18 year old male !
69 Wildcat Buick with 325-hp, 401 nailhead V-8. 22 MPG if you kept your foot out of it.. Back roads cruiser that road like a Cadillac.
For all you space science nerds, this is extremely exciting. The James Webb space telescope is being launched in a couple of weeks. The data that will be collected from this thing will be phenomenal.
Hopefully it isn't a hubble telescope sequel. I heard an interview with one of the engineers who mentioned it will take like 6 months for it to be fully operational, post launch.
It will not be serviceable once launched. A lot riding on its proper deployment obviously. Infrared deep space scanning will produce some awesome pictures. I cant wait.
I remember seeing a few wildcats as a youth on the road thought they looked like a cool car, I remember a red one with a black landeau roof. there was a slot in the bumper you inserted the jack into when needed. Imagine being able to jack a car up because the front bumper was that damn robust.
Mine was a teal green with a white top. Only reason I got it was my mom got tired of hauling my ass to practice all the time. Played 3 sports in HS. Football, wrestling and track... She got a new car and I got her old car and freedom... Wish I had it now. Was a great car then and would be still today.
Went to the daughter's to make her dinner for her birthday, never made it to dessert. Took the grandson home with us because my daughter started her labor. Can't wait to meet my new grandson.