My heart is just with the elderly. Working where I do, I see so so so much how many elder do not have anyone there for them. It breaks my heart. If I ever had to do something over again, I'd choose a career in social work or hospice care to give these people the love they so much deserve.
Agreed. Many years ago I was on duty and saw some older guy in the woods standing next to an old mobile home. I make contact and he tells me he worked as a tree cutter his entire life. Big old hands of steel. I see his living conditions are terrible. I go in his trailer and see spoiled meats in the fridge and a good amount of dried blood on the floor. He tells that someone had been stabbed to death in his mobile home may months ago (true) one on his family had even stopped by to help clean up the blood...flies all over the place. I got Adult Protective services out there. As I drove off it left me pretty ticked off that no one had been helping that hard working old man.
Oh how heart breaking. I'm glad you made a call (especially because so many don't realize there is an adult protective services) - hopefully he got back to where he needed to be and a clean home as the start.
So I got done early at the landfill (no water to pump) I stopped by Kensington and went to the park, saw the interpretive center, saw Olaf's farm drove to where they found the actual stone. Then I went to Alexandria to the museum sat thru the movie and then saw the actual stone itself. Knowing what we now know it is fascinating to see it. There are also other artifacts that have been found in the area that indicate there was iron tools used in the area long before Chris and 1492. I did buy a book in the gift shop that includes the newest most recent research.
I had no idea, not ever heard of it... So is the local thinking that it's a hoax or not? From context clues...
For years it was played as a hoax I am 221 pages into a 558 page book about it. It is very fascinating the politics the BS the arrogance of researchers denying the dialect on the stone. The actual physical examination using modern technology says the weathering of the stone and the writing age to that period. Like I said it is fascinating to drive thru the area 5 miles west of where the rune stone the glaciers leveled and it is the start of the plains.
Yes in my belief it was not Columbus in 1492. Also research Mandan warriors tall blond haired blue eyed with beards. The Viking were here first in Minnesota unfortunately their franchise in the new world was not sustainable.
If kennsignton were closer to Duluth, and Niagara Falls didn't exist, it would seem more plausible...
After reading the book there are 2 things that are undeniable about the Rhinestone Olof Ohman did not place the stone under the tree. The poplar trees was estimated to be 25- 40 years old the roots of the tree grew around the stone. Olof did not own the farm or live in the area when the stone was placed and the tree starting growing. The other is the degradation of minerals on the outside of the stone where the engraving was done is defiantly older than 150-200 years. It the museum there is a broad ax, that has an arctic spruce handle. It gets cold in Minnesota but there is no arctic spruce in the area.
Are you working on commission for book sales now Tim? If I ever find myself in the greater Kensington metropolis, I'll check it out.