He is off and on. But he went to school for 2 weeks in a row recently which was a major victory. He went through 3 days of IV steroids this week so he crashed today and cant make it out the door. So we are moving forward as best as we can. Thanks for asking.
Today I checked the trail cameras. Had a camera in an old abandoned farmstead. The owner was chisel plowing the field right north of it when I got there. I've been friends and hunting his land for 30 plus years. I called him to see how he was doing as I walked to the camera. Right away he goes where are you at. I told him in the trees right south of him. He told me to get out of the trees. I am like what ?? He told me to get out of the trees again. I asked if I could at least get my camera. He said no. He started laughing and said he just chased a big bull moose in there where I have my camera. He would feel bad if I ran it to it. Sure enough. Made my day !!
Wow, that's really something. They sure are big. I shot one in Newfoundland a few years back. Pretty tasty. We don't have any moose around here ........ yet. We have quite a few Elk though.
Too bad climate change is so bad in Minnesota that all the calves disappear and we no longer have a hunting season for moose.
That's one hell of a buck man. Congrats. I do have to say I'm a little bitter you didn't kill like that last year In Venatione Veritas
Thanks Fix! Dude, that's a damn fact. Im still bitter about last year too. Sent from my SM-G781V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Should have shot that button buck down in that valley we hunted last year. I would've packed that out for you.
Daughter called me today always nice to hear from her. She told me her husband will probably only ice fish at our place. She is due in mid December so with a new born and a 2 year old they will be a little busy. I am more than happy to facilitate him fishing, heck I will stay in the house and send the daughter fishing with him.
Solar motion light. I will admit, when I'm at my cabin (no power) just propane lights, sometimes I partake in some adult beverages. Going outside I have to bring a flashlight. Well, the other day I 3as at a "thrift" type store and seen a solar powered security light for 30.00$. I pondered it and got it. Was a super " why didn't I do this years ago" moment. It works awesome!!