We appreciate your show of blatant insecurity and we sincerely hope your therapy bills following your loss will leave you weeping on the floor in the fetal position.
When an employee quits because you did not promote them because they were not very good at the current job. Had a guy who wanted to be the GM of the company, no college degree, no real experience working anywhere else and he thought he was the ideal candidate for GM.
Picked up a new bar for the chainsaw, along with a new chain so I can cut while my other chains are getting sharpened. I can't wait to cut down the half dozen red cedars that are down on the point. I can't wait for the POS down the lake to discover I removed trees and reports it to the DNR. If I get a citation I will make a fool of the POS and who ever writes up the citation. Red cedar is an invasive specie in Minnesota, put that in your pipe and smoke it A-hole.
Just got the call, my daughter is starting this weekend for VB. We are taking the 8hr drive and will be there for her first college game
This Labor Day weekend Seaman 2nd class Lloyd Timm age forever 19 will be returning home after being gone for 80 years from his tiny hometown of Kellogg MN. He was killed and buried as an unknown in Hawaii he was aboard the USS Oklahoma one of the first ships to fire shots in Pearl Harbor. DNA brought him home. Thank you for your brave service.
good customer service and a...'persistent' wife. https://forums.bowhunting.com/threads/the-rant-thread.45214/page-927#post-1660604 One phone call Hinckley, they are going to pay to fix our floor. I could have done it (and have in my old house) but heck, I'll take it. Good to see a local/national company work to keep business.
Stopped at a rural gun range this evening to sight in a rifle. Was 10_12 youngereople there shooting. Every one looked like a total nerd,never seen the sun,obese and just gross in my eyes. I'm a self admitted son of a ***** when it come to judging people by the way they look/dress but tonight I can say perhaps I've been wrong? These nerds were out on a Saturday shooting guns! They were respectful and having a good time. Anyhoo, I do feel abit better knowing (seeing) maybe there is a chance
Got plenty of nerdy looking friends who are into guns. Heck, I look fairly nerdy and I love to shoot. I guess Call of Duty was good for something. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Finally finished trimming the woods line around the driveways and areas where we mow grass. I used acme planimeter to estimate the linear footage of that job and came up with just under 1800 feet. I stashed at least 25 big grapple loads of limbs and brush in various places around in my woods. I'm hoping to increase the rabbit population. I enjoy rabbit hunting. This type of trimming should be kept up with way more often than I did. I let it go for 4 years and paid the price but it feels good to be caught up now. Btw, it's pretty good exercise for an old guy!