You'll like that Fleetwood. I have one with three different limb sets, 29LB, 45LB & 55LB. Get the Flemish Twist string they recommend for the 55LB limbs, you will not regret it. I have a DAS as well and for some reason I am still more comfortable with the Fleetwood and at a fraction of the price. And man, you better bend over backwards doing something nice for her. That's a keeper. 3Rivers site is down for maintenance so my list for my Fleetwood setup is as follows. Rogue Spectra Flemish Twist Bow String Recurve - 58" Black Widow 3-Finger Under Hair Tab RH - Large Axis Traditional Shafts 340 w/ Weight Tubes 9/32" 3 grains per inch. I shoot a 30" shaft so yeah, I'm throwing rebar like a mofo.
Nice to hear, I was certainly impressed with the initial setup / shooting of the bow. It's a shooter and took not much time to attain good arrow flight and consistent groups @20. I already ordered the string last night. Looks like its gonna tune up with some BEA Vintage Traditionals 29" with 100gr brass inserts and either 125 / 200 gr tips. Have to see exactly what it wants once the new string arrives. I typically shoot split finger but started playing with 3 under a few months ago when having issues with consistency during tuning due to finger pinch on a shorter AMO bow. In that instance it immediately rectified the problem but the Fleetwood seems to accept my split release just fine. And yes.... She is a keeper, she does extremely generous and kind things on a regular basis. I do not deserve her. My efforts typically paling in comparison... but I do try.
The garden producing well now. I have over 30 jalapino and chili peppers just packed. Tomatoes, sweet peppers,,cukes all loaded. Actually all plant from spring garden with loads of fruit.. all the fall garden has I picked 4#'s of blue berries, could have picked twice that but it started to it !
Field of dreams game, the intro was so awesome. The teams coming out of the corn it was very well done.
43* this morning. What an awesome feeling! I just felt "alive" today. Sitting on the deck now,beer,my dog,good music and not a single mosquitoe. BTiL.
If there is a favorable swing of weather that overlaps with my days off work I may get a NC license and hunt for a few days. Just find some public land and go for it.
My little sister her 3 boys and husband are up for the weekend. My son has them out tubing, wife is out on the pontoon. Silence in the house with the AC set at 71, pop a top.
Going to daughters and her giving me a bunch of hoodies she no longer wants and them fitting me! Her working in higher ED. for many years ...she has a lot of college logo hoodies....
Taking my walk and looking up into the oak my stand is in to see it absolutely LOADED with acorns. Then check in all close by ones to see very few.
Drinking a cold one now but gotta get back at it. My goal today was to finish up cutting n splitting my yearly wood supply for the cabin. 6 more cobs and missions accomplished. House of Hair keeps me motivated
The first big batch of poppers tonight. Just 2-3 peppers per plant picked. I'm going to be crazy busy very soon. Left 5-8 on the plants and they are loaded with flowers. We eat poppers as snacks all winter bacon wrapped
Everything soaking nicely in their vinegar /water bath. This not only cleans but allows lettuce to last longer and crispy in crisper after spinning dry
Going to restaurant and ordering steak. When they ask how I want it, saying " If it can get up and walk off my plate it's done. Then they come back with a,warm seared piece of raw meat...PERFECT! So good!
So I land at MSP at 2:22 Thursday afternoon exposes me to rush hour will take 3 plus hours to get home. However Friday I am off grandson coming to the lake and he is staying overnight. I am not looking at my phone or laptop after 10 am Friday.