As you read Sota's posts, think of them being spoken by Wayne's (from Letterkenny) voice. Especially that post. You'll pick up what I'm putting down.
Oh, I do recall a post that he said he liked watching kids fall off bikes. However, my Sota voice is sorta a raspy no nonsense, not gonna take any chit and you better figure it out kinda voice. I'd suggest you let that one marinate.
I quit diving about six years ago after a drift dive off the coast of Honduras. Sharks are not, repeat not, the scariest thing in the ocean. Looking over a continental shelf that drops who knows how deep it goes will forever give you the heeby jebees and make you take to just snorkeling within sight of the beach for as long as you live.
Closed on a property today. Attorney also has a miss, I had already paid the surveyor... Nice when the attorney is writing you a check
I was going to say I think I am pretty close to Wayne minus the Canadian accent but I have had people ask if I was from Canada, I always say close, Minnesota.
I saw an episode that Wayne imitates McMurray, pretty much spot on as to what I think you may sound like after the aforementioned description.
4 day weekend for me. The wife just started her 10 day vacation. I am going mow the lawn. Venison thawing to make some jerky. Going through the trail cameras to get them ready. Best part... the wife hasn't mentioned any house projects she wants done. I am not bringing that subject up !!!!!
May seem paltry to you here but... I do not have running water at my cabin. Gotta haul it in. Was planning on spending the weekend here but knew I'd be one stinking bastard with no way to shower. Temps sposed to be mid 90,s. I have a tote that holds bput 250 gallons of water. Went to the nearest town (1.5) miles away, filled it up and I had a plastic 50 gallon barrel behind the garage. Filled it up and Holy cow what a game changer!! Been in it 3 times today and am super happy I did it. Comfort lot of other options, including a $10 sprayer from HD.
Went to the annual lake association meeting this morning. First time for me. To begin the meeting they did the pledge of alligence, not a single hat was on, there were no kneelers. Interesting that of all the lake property owners I am not in the upper age bracket, made me feel almost middle age. Plus if you think I am an angry lake property owner you should hear that group.
Just rented a 50' boom lift trailer from Acme Electric for 2 weeks starting the 16th. Got at least 6 trees to take down in the yard. All by power lines. Been wanting to do this project for years. Thought $675 a week was fairly reasonable. Would have cost at least $3000 or more for someone else to do it. So if any of you need free fire wood, come and get it.
Good luck. I prefer out in the woods with no power lines. I have had to do some though. I have a lot of years experience in lifts such as that. I could tell stories of some of our contractors that I had to baby sit in lifts because the were scared of them. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
I told the wife I had to run the controls from the ground so she would be in the basket running the chainsaw. The look she gave was priceless. The OH HELL NO I WON'T response was great also.