Time is flying by that is for sure. She just got done with her 3rd hour long workout of the day. I told her welcome to d1 athletics. Lol
Eureka! I am saved https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-021-10991-7 https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/nu...risk-for-liver-problems-study-says/ar-AALhNqM https://www.theguardian.com/science...-risk-of-chronic-liver-disease-study-suggests Starting my second pot of the day right now. Thank you SCIENCE!
I know, it's great right? I was thinking I could even up the ante by pretty much infinity if I start drinking these-
Maybe I'll hit the jackpot and they'll do another study that determines cynicism counteracts diabetes.
It is like a christmas miracle blood pressure is 141 over 78 this morning. Not sure how or why or if the machine is broken, hell I am not even going to recheck it, I am just going to roll with it, all good today. I was thinking last night that this morning on the way to work I was going to stop and buy a tin of skoal because hell that is not what is going to kill me the high BP will, and then the BP drops for some reason.
While millennials are easily the worst generation ever, they did make avocado toast A Thing and I'll be damned if bacon, tomato and avocado on wheat toast isn't about the best breakfast I've ever had. By the way, long as I am going Aunt Millie's just came out with a near carb-less (keto) wheat bread that actually tastes great.
It's good but typically on weekdays I cook the bacon in an air fryer to keep smell and cleanup down. Not conducive to frying an egg. Also the fat in the avocado is rich enough to not really need an egg.
And, on a Panera Asiago bagel. Adding to the -ness, of avocado toast... Trader Joe's pub cheese (blue cheese or jalepeño) as a dip with roasted pecans as the chip replacement. Damn it's good.
I was gonna say, air fryers, avocado toast, 0 carb bread, saddle hunter. If I didn’t know any better I’d say this conservative thing was just an alter ego The real dnoodles dresses to match his furniture