I had to drive into work this morning because I left my phone on my desk yesterday, I should have never gone in it did nothing but piss me off. I got home and I am sorting thru work issues and the grandson is looking at me funny because I am pissed. It was a sign no more work e mails or phone calls, today is a vacation day.
Thanks for sharing Dnoodles. It’s good to hear our heritage without mention of evil white supremecist, slave owning bullcrap. We are Americans! And he is right, it’s well past time to stand up to this crap. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Posted about this kitten when we got him. He might become a Sota shed kitten. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Getting played by your wife. Day started off innocent enough. Wife wanted me to go to town with her this morning. Get to town and she needs to find a bathroom fast. Pull into the Holliday Mall. She goes in and comes out. Tells me she wants me to see something. I go in with her and gosh we end up walking into the St. Michel Furniture store. She said since we are already here, let's look at couches. A half hour later and much, much poorer... the wife walks out smirking. This is the cr@p I pull on the wife when I want something. This is the cr@p my youngest daughter pulls on her cause she learned from the master. The wife doesn't pull cr@p like this until today. I called Britney and told her I got played. Britney laughed. I reminded Britney I was now too poor to help pay for college of her last year coming up. Britney laughed again. She said she would let me know what I owed the college. God women are evil !!!!!!!!!! They sure make life fun and interesting though. Love them to pieces.
My oldest started mowing lawns and weed eating last summer. He now does 4-5 lawns per week in our neighborhood making $20 per lawn. The first week of May, we opened a saving account for him and will have $250 in it by the end of this week. He has also donated $50 to Heifer International, a nonprofit based here in Arkansas that buys farming supplies for people in 3rd world countries so they can support themselves and make a living. My middle son started taking care of our lawn this year. He is off to a good start but needs more practice before I will let him do someone else’s yard. The best part of this, is that I am no longer doing yard work in the 100F temps.
Works well while they're at home... I'm on the other end of the spectrum as my youngest is now working - I've re- inheritted lawn care.
Found this and couldn't help but think of Sota! Wonder what his requirements would be to earn one? Link to site where they can be purchased.
Seeing how a Boy scout leader would have to issue it, I would assume some form of camping and a few secrets.
True, but in this case it is actual cows, not some weird fetish. The organization was founded almost 60 years ago, hard to anticipate the modern nomenclature.
I have a couple hats with a velcro patch. I take the "badge" with me to certain events. When the time is right, the patch goes on. My wife has become very adept at noticing when it's about to be put on my hat. She has gone as far as to tell someone that I was at my limit and they should just go away. Well, in one instance, she told her brother to shut up and go lay down by his dish. I was SO proud of her!
This will sound mean ...tough Hubble calls me panicked...call the card company I lost my credit card yesterday and just realized it...Hahaha. The two we have are actually mine and he's an addition to the account. Best thing in life, he realized it early and no one found it. It wasn't ME!...Lol. The customer service was actually FANTASTIC both times I called. First to check use and put a hold. Second to cancel and re-order a new card for him. He realized that after cleaning card from swiping it at pumps,he put card on his tool box. He isn't vaccinated and won't be. So is still wiping every thing. That card is long gone in the wind...lol Again it wasn't me!!! Aaahhhh life's good..