My daughter texted they are bailing today so she need us to watch the Grandson. I was at the bait shop when he arrived. I walked in the door and saw him and said hey Bud he got the biggest smile and came running to see bumps. He loved playing in the minnow bucket and grabbing out wax worms.
Well, my niece didn't qualify with a fast enough time. Looks like she'll be headed home. So long as she continues to progress through college, she may get another shot in 4 years...
When I got back from town yesterday my wife had lunch ready and we were eating on the deck. Just as she was telling me that she had to call off our dog from catching a fawn that came into my clover patch with it's mother, the little fellow came back out. I quickly put the dogs back into the house and took some pics and a video of the fawn. My wife said that the doe had ran into the neighbors woods across the field from our place. I never saw the doe, but this little guy kept coming out of our woods and calling for his mom. In this video you can hear the fawns bleats even over the roar of my airmaster fan going full speed. The fawn was about 30 yards from where I was filming. I also took a few pictures. At one point I took a pail of water to the fawn because he was drinking out of a puddle left in the garden from the sprinkler. He came very close to me at one point, about 18 inches. As soon as I tried to take his picture he bolted a few feet away. Eventually, the fawn bedded down in the shade on the side of our woods where there was a good breeze. Several hours later it was gone. This is the part of the woods where a doe raises a fawn each year. Note: I did keep an eye out for the mom so I didn't get stomped for trying to help her little one. Coaxing with a pail of water Picture shy....... he was too quick for me! Going back to lay in the clover
So happy that I decided to hire some equipment last summer to make a new road and spot for camping at the property. we have seeded, done a bunch of limbing, and mowed the first time. Here’s my view Sunday morning from under the camper awning. Enjoying it with a cup of coffee from my newest favorite mug. I can’t help but think that @Sota will appreciate the mug.
Only a couple more days left and my oldest will be off to the beach then immediately to 5 weeks of college bball summer training. Time seriously flies by....this is how I remember her just yesterday.
I can't believe @Okiebob didn't already pick up on this, or @Shane...but maybe that explains everything.... "white or wheat." "wheat" "is that wheat with an 'h' "? sound it out: wheat...weet...weed. dude, he was asking if you were ordering weed. They're dealing weed out of that gas station. Look at that goddamn sammich. Only a pothead would make such a beautiful gargantuan sammich for someone else.
I mean its not like I worked at a sandwich shop in college and code for me slipping a bag of weed into it was w/ extra cabbage... Its called entrepreneurship Dnoodles. Its also how I payed off my student loans early and I didn't hear Dubya complaining about it when they took my money. Then of course Bob had to clean his act up when we fostered but guess what, them kids are out of the house and my mancave smells like two skunks fornication.
The place where I found it also had a couple desk placards that I liked. One said, " You don't have to be crazy to work here...we'll train you." And, "I hate morning people...and mornings, and people."
not a vent or a rant. I really like this guy. He keeps growing into himself (not a fat joke.) He's just a dude who saw how messed up things were getting and realized that if nobody was going to fix it, he was damn sure gonna try. Some of ya'll might remember him from a pro- 2A speech he gave a few years back at his city council (if I recall correctly.)
My wife is watching the Grandson all summer every Friday, guess who is leaving work at noon fridays when ever possible?
My daughter is starting a new work shift in 3 weeks. My wife and I will be picking grandson up from the sitter on days she works. She sent me a vid today, the little stinker is just starting to crawl.
so I was lookin' on the internets to find a gif the other daayyyyyy..... (unfortunately can't find that gif; just images) But in doing so, I found that there really is a Chive page dedicated to kids falling off bikes. Happy Friday!