1st of the season for me, 3 tags eaten, 3 to go, fought him for 3 hrs, last hour he was at 60 yds, just over a slight rise. Great hunt, patience killed this 1. 21Lbs, 1" sharp spurs and 3 1/2" beard, had bears rot. Post here , shot with shotgun.
Went to a friends farm and found this guy hiding in a car engine. Decided to bring him home! His life just changed for the best! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Watched Tombstone for the 1000 time tonight. Not much better than that movie, at least with in it's category
You'll never have a problem with that cat, maybe it wants to be outdoors a bit more than needed, but it will be a lap cat regardless. It has realized it's forever home.
Those are rookie numbers Fix. Kidding of course and couldn't agree more. One of my all time favorites. Sent from my SM-G960U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I found my first wild turkey nest......... in my yard! I've never purposely went looking for turkey nests but found this one by accident. I have a stack of pallets stashed near where I process firewood. When I went to grab a few pallets I saw a turkey take off and run through the woods. I got off the tractor and went and had a look.... sure enough there was a nest. It had about 10 eggs in it. I left it alone and got out of there. I can see why she made her nest there. It is in some real thick cover about 15 yards off the easement. My dogs never go there. On the other side of the easement my neighbor also has 2 dogs but contains them with an underground electric fence. Between both sets of dogs, predators are reluctant to go in that area. Also, over the years, I've had a doe raise her fawns in that same section of woods most likely for the same reasons.
Not a best things but funny. So my car is my "tunes" haven. In other words this old lady cranks the classic rock. Yep I'm one of those people, head bobbin playing my driver door like a base guitar, rocking the shoulders and the steering wheel is my drums. That said...... in parking lot of Sam's And reading hubbies list before turning tunes off. Shut car off and I hear are you OK! I'm getting out and said yes why, " I thought you were having a stroke!" LOL I laughed saying Thanks but I'm old not dead and my car is where I listen and half dance to my music to relax. She said well at our age it looked like a stroke..hahaha. Well 30 mins late I find out she worked in nursing homes. Gave me her name and number, said next time I'm in the area to call for lunch and what a pleasure to meet me...dear lord everytime I leave the house. Got into Sam's and a Asian woman comes out of no where to tell me how great the mangos are and how Americans don't understand the differences and I would just love the ones there. Then masks, and covid, the weather....Funny stuff. I figured out after all these years..it's not my smile on my face that draws them in...its the smile in my eyes. King Andy is still forcing us all to wear masks..I hope he gets a horrible Staph infection .
Get FAST or someone you know may die fast. https://www.redcross.org/take-a-class/first-aid/first-aid-training/first-aid-classes/fast-training
I'll put this here to honor my highschool defensive coordinator. Took me from a skinny sophomore defensive back and molded me into an all state linebacker...his rough old half Native American rear end held me to the fire each day in practice and it paid off with me going to college for free. He was also a top notch teacher who taught me Chemistry II. I am forever grateful to him for helping change the course of my life. He was our hero coach, teacher, and whitetail hunter. He passed away today in his mid 60s. Mr. Oliver you will be missed.
Good reminder right here. https://www.bowhunting.com/article/hunter-division-are-we-all-on-the-same-team/
If you base your perception of the state of hunting in America from what you read on Facebook, well it is like looking in a toilet and saying well this smells like crap.
Well that was a good article. I will have to say though, it sounds like he was reading a certain state hunting forum. Why I love this site. May have political difference but the live and let live hunting stance here is exceptional. When the opposite of this rears it's head it's usually put down quickly and quietly. A great look at hunting styles across the country letting one learn and grow.
Planting season is officially over. The last month has been a grind to say the least. Planted 2600 acres of corn, soybeans and pinto beans. The corn is popping out of the ground now. Now just waiting on the rain as it is very dry here. Looks like the next couple days should produce some rain. Got the next 4 days off. Youngest daughter is home for a week before she starts her internship job. Life is good !!
Just the person to ask. Prices WAY up on corn and soy? If so doesn't that make your cost to plant go up? These questions because I noticed all the WW fields the farmers normally let mature with a clover interseeded have been terminated, lots of the clover fields as well. This tells me either corn or soy is about to go in. How high are you guys expecting prices to go up, to cover that? They never even did a cutting on the clover this year. The clover next to us hasn't been touched but it's also a sheet of yellow from wild mustard. Any how just curious.
My biggest problem was I was told by my parents at a young age to be polite to strangers. To say hi and ask how is it going if they stop to talk to you. The hi part isn't so bad. The how's it going part that is a pain. People most be lonely. Within 2 minutes they are telling me way too personal stuff or start rattling off their life problems. I don't need to hear all that stuff. After 10 - 15 minutes they finally ask me how it is going . I say good. How's it going is just a polite generic question. You say good. They are suppose to say good. That is it !!!!!!!
Other then seed cost, soybeans is a cheap crop to seed. You don't have the high cost of fertilizer that you would if you plant corn. We pre bought all our fertilizer last fall when it was cheap. The cost of fertilizer is very high now so anyone that decided to go to corn will pay a lot more. I've been in a tractor so can't tell you what prices are but corn was at $7 and soybeans were $14 a couple weeks ago. We haven't seen those prices for a long time. A lot of farmers decided to plant more corn to get the most bang for their buck. Our corn average is 120 bushels an acre. Other states are 200 bushels an acres with their longer growing season. You take that by $7 and that is a lot of money. Also since we are in a drought, if the corn doesn't make it, federal crop insurance will still pay out very well. Corn is a safe bet this year on making great money. We didn't up our corn acres but continue with last fall plan to keep our rotations. Canola hit 37 cents a couple weeks ago. Wheat hit $7. Pintos hit 45 cents. We kept our fertilizer cost down by buying last fall. Seed prices are always expensive. Doesn't matter if corn is $3 or $7 dollars.