"Lighten up, Francis" is one of those lines from a movie so applicable in real life in many situations decades later. P.J. Soles was girl-next-door-hot. Loved her in "Rock and Roll High School" and "Halloween" as well.
Being too young to know this movie, your statement just sounds weird. I read that and think you like man boobs.
bruh... I wasn't born yet when Blazing Saddles came out and I can almost quote it verbatim..."too young" is not a thing when it comes to classics like Saddles, Animal House, or yes; Stripes. ...however, "too Canadian" I will accept as an excuse.
I have seen Blazing Saddles a few times, it is a classic. Too Canadian may be valid when it comes to Stripes and Animal House.
If you can quote Strange Brew but not Stripes; you are definitely Canadian. If you can quote both, you are probably from MI, WI, or MN. ...admittedly, I have only seen Stripes un-edited like once or twice. It's not as re-watchable as AH or BS. Or Smokey and The Bandit, for that matter.
I was going to throw that one in, but Slap Shot is popular anywhere hockey has a foothold. My buddies from upstate NY and Podunk PA also were big Slap Shot fans growing up. That might have been the first movie wherein I saw boobs (actually I think it's brief full frontal IIRC)...The lady who went on to play the mom from A Christmas Story. Holy cow she was a good looking woman. Slap Shot probably has my 2 favorite lines of all time.
Wait a minute, I can quote all those movies ya hoser and I'm from Missouri and Oklahoma. I think it comes down to whether your parents had HBO. Mostly bc they played those daily during the summer.