When Pandora takes you somewhere unexpected. Post Malone covering Sturgill Simpson was something to behold. Better than the original. The dude would actually be a country superstar. Then to Manchester Orchestra live which may not normally be my speed but holy crap are they talented. No idea exactly how many people are in the band but as you watch and listen to them play, you see the 3rd backup guitarist and can pick out his melody and it's kind of like watching a really good football team play and notice the right guard just absolutely pancake somebody that springs a 30 yard sweep and then the WR chips the corner to grease the tailback into the endzone. Everybody just does their job, well. Selflessly.
Easy bro... it is good but no way is it "better" than the original or even the bluegrass version. His voice is nowhere near as good as the Sturg.
Does Post perform without auto tune? Plus just to be a total richard if you have neck and face tattoos you are a dumbass loser punk.
Agree to disagree. Listened to Sturg immediately after. Post blew him out. And I've never been a Post fan. I was surprised as you. Completely without autotune, he sounded a little like Aaron Lewis but way better. Also, the video after the Sturg cover was Post as a young guy, maybe 20, no visible tats anywhere, playing an acoustic guitar and singing kind of an old Dylan song. He was really good. Gotta wonder what self hate you have to have to do that to your face. I also have no idea how someone who smokes that much pot can remember so many lyrics.
Dig the potatoes outa yer ears. Post sounds like a mix between Kid Rock and the mentioned Aaron Lewis so yeah basically a nasally raspy version of human garbage. But whatever, its an opinion and personal taste. Personally I prefer a velvety Merle Haggard or Waylon Jennings which is where Sturg and Chris Stapleton fall for me. Post can record all the country covers he wants and will probably go triple platinum bc garbage sells and he'll get a bunch of dirt bag gone good press. Yuck, makes me sick to stomach that I even listened to it or read an article about that rancid pos.
Loving my venison hotdogs for supper, rather disappointed that it took me this long to figure out to put the onions on the bun under the hot dog then ketchup on top.
Watching the ice go out, evidently there is a good sized fire on the east side of 35 before the split in the huge cattail swamps. Couple years ago I would have been there freezing my ass off till well after dark with wet feet, suckers.
I rarely apologize for my behavior but I think one is owed here. My bad my man. Personal music choices are just that. Not a fan of Post Bologna and being a huge super fan of Sturgill I do believe I took that one a little personal and never should have. To me, Sturgill is just the best damn thing since sliced bread, hell just bread for that matter. Still pissed the Rona canceled what was going to be an epic night out and concert back in April of '20. The wife and I were going to show Tulsa how to live it up. Hopefully this apology resolves the weird clicking and popping sounds on my phone...
Meanwhile, I'm here wondering who in the heck you guys are talking about. Zero idea, have never heard of them. Except for Merle and Waylon of course. If I feel the urge to listen to country that is the only era worth listening to.
My oldest decided to play college bball. My pocket book feels much better now. Haha. So much hard work with her grades and sports. Maybe old dad might stop being so nervous and actually get a new truck now. What a great day. My little fishing buddy grew up.
Is that young lady palming the ball? Good D hands straight up .Good for you and congrats, her hard work earned it.
If she can get a partial or full ride out sure helps. I have a niece with athletic skills, she's headed to the Olympic trials... And University of Alabama...
Personal opinion is allowed and not taken personally. I was not previously a fan of Mr. Malone's either and am a fan of Mr. Sturgill's. That's why that post made it to the Best Things thread, I enjoy being proven wrong and especially so when the end result is a pleasant comeuppance. As to the popping and clicking; well, I did warn you about 5G.
I love Waylon, too. I assure you that if you listen to Sturgill Simpson's 1st two albums, you will enjoy them. He's a renegade like Waylon was and on several songs, he sounds like him, too. This is his cover of "The Promise," a rather forgettable song in its original 80's synth beat form, but a real classic with Sturgill's voice and arrangement.