anyone have a clue? i was told anything that has a 10x3 or a 13X3 concentration of phosphorus/nitrogen/potassium it has some instructions on the package but just looking for any xtra tips:d Great Lakes Trophy Food Plots
It all completely depends on what your trying to grow. For my brassica plots, I use 46-0-0 urea. Very high in nitrogen, but no phosphorus/potassium. For my clover/chicory plots, I use 0-20-20 which is high in phosphorus/potassium, but has no nitrogen in it. This is good, because you won't end up wasting $$$ on content that doesn't help you plant, but also you won't end up feeding weeds that like a different fertilizer type. I think I did 200lbs of urea per acre last year, and 500ish per acre of the 0-20-20. I also top dressed each halfway to the point where they were mature. It's also VERY important to either cover your urea, or apply just before rain, it will evaporate if you don't and then you have wasted a lot of $$$.