Which is the best? I would like to keep it under $150, but I dont want one that doesn't even look like a deer. The main one I have my eye on is the McKenzie Hunter Buck II. The Glen Del Full Rut seems to have the best reviews out of all the ones I've looked at. My problem with it is that it is the size of a 300# live weight deer. I dont think it will help me much shooting a deer that big when the actual deer I'm shooting at will be between 100-200. I may be wrong with this idea so please enlighten me. ALthough I will shoot it at ground level, I'm buying it mainly to practice my treestand shooting, and be able to identify the vitals quicker.
i like and use the block...it isnt a deer target, but ill will last and its a fraction of the price, with mine i just put it on the seat of an old chair i have and its at perfect deer level.
I have a mckenzie carbon buck/doe and it works pretty good. I hate messing with soap to pull the arrows so I shoot my block until a few weeks before the season. Then I will get out the deer target and shoot random shots and angles from up in a tree. Some of the targets at our 3-d shoots have soft cores and the arrow pulls out with no effort at all, I am unsure of the brand...maybe rhinehardt
i bought one of those rhinehart 18-1's, tough bastard lemme tell ya... and you can shoot it from some many different sides it really lasts forever it seems... i like it a lot... well made and durable as hell
I concur. We have about 1/2 Rineharts and 1/2 McKenzie/Delta targets that we leave out almost year round. The Rineharts look virtually brand new even after 3-4 years of use. The others are dried out, cracked, and falling apart. I personally will never purchase a 3D target other than a Rinehart. Their broadhead buck target retails for about $185 which is a little more than you want to spend, but I guarantee you'll be happier in the long run.
I've got the glendel full rut and love it. Atleast 500 shots in one side and I'm not even close to wearing it out. The replacable cube should last me years.
I have used a few different Makenzies, but about 5 years ago I bought a Morrel Bionic Buck, and it is my favorite. The whole midsection is covered with a burlap cover, then there are holes on each end ( where you slide the head and slide the rear section on) that you just stuff old rags, shrink wrap or whatever filling you want. I used to by the replacememnt covers from Cabelas. then bought them directly from Morrel. They were around $15. A few years ago I was in Wal Mart, and found tgte perfect burlap material in the sewing section. Now I buy a big piece of it and get about 5 covers for what I used to pay for one. I replace the cover and it is about like having a new target. They always advertised 2 finger arrow removal with it, and they weren't kidding. You can't shoot b heads in it though. I jsut take my old Makenzies and redo the vital areas with the expanding foam insulation in a can for shooting b-heads, I don't believe that Morrel makes the Bionic Buck any more. I haven't seen it in any hunting catalogs of or on their website for the past few years. Too ad, it is an awesome target.
I have the older glen del buck and i love it. I've had it for probably 2 years but i shoot it quite a bit and its getting to where i need a new insert. but I'd say there probably 1500 if not more shots in the target. I also have some cheapie big bag i bought from fleet farm for $30 bucks and i can't wreck that thing. I've had it for like 5 years now! I dont even know how many shots that thing has took.
I have a Black Hole target, but have been in the market to buy a 3D target. My research has lead me to wanting a Rhinehart. They seem to get the better reviews.
Maybe I am the odd ball here but I have just never found animal targets to be neccessary for me. I know where to aim on a live animal. Maybe I am just cheap.