What is the best 100 Grain Broadhead that allows accurate shooting at long distances? Over 30 yards. Thanks Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Mechanical are going to be accurate, but any broadhead can be good to 30 and beyond once your bow is tuned properly. If your seeing inaccuracies out to 30 yards its probobly the bow. Sent from my SM-N920P using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Opinions will vary but the QAD Exodus and Slicktrick heads have always been reported with good flight at longer distances. Most mechanical do too but as you get farther away you start loosing energy so thats something to think about depending on your setup. The caveat being your bow needs to be tuned.
I shoot slicktrick BH both standard and Magnum with great results out to 60yds. Also had very good luck with Ramcat BH’s
Slick Trick ViperTrick shoot great out to 60 yards for me. Bow tuning is the key to getting any head to fly.
Thirty yards is not really that far, but most archery shot deer are in that range. Any tuned bow with good arrows will fly well with about any broadheads. As distance increases KE decreases so cut-on-contact broadheads will perform better than mechanicals. As distance increases flaws in tuning, spine, FOC and form are magnified. Some people are quick to blame the bh for bad flight when the cause is underling in the bow or shaft. I shoot Snuffers SS 125 gr and practice out to sixty yards and the fp and bh group together. If not it is me. But most fixed blades will steer the arrow if everything is not right. So some folks shoot mechanicals to cover up other issues.
I like the slicks tricks and the ram cats are excellent all the way to 80 yards for me. So are the helix an others. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk