Hello my name is Tom from Southern Oregon and I'm new to bow hunting what is the best begginer bow to get started with.
You're gonna have to shoot before you buy. I've never shot a Mission but everything I've seen or read has stated that they have some pretty adjustable bows. You can start out with a low draw weight and work your way up without going through a couple bows. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mission bows are great for beginners and seasoned hunters too. A lot of flexibility and room to grow with it.
I bought a Hoyt Charger as my first bow and love it. But as others have stated go to a professional archery shop and let them assist you in finding what's right for you.
I bought a Diamond Core for my first bow. the limbs go from 40# to 70# so you can grow with the bow. pretty decent price too.
its all personal preference. go to your local pro shop and try some out, so you can get what fits you the best. The guys there will be a big help in the learning process too
Best advice anyone can give. Got to get a feel for the bow before you buy. I was comfortable with my buddy's hand me down diamond infinite edge and it's great for me. Just don't buy without holding it at least.