Find a shed in a funky or unusual position? Or just have a real cool photo of a shed in any position. Then post here! This is the thread for BEST “As They Lay” (ATL) photos of 2010 only. Enter as often as you would like, but photos must be from this season and taken BEFORE you pick up the intended bone!
I'm too lazy to break these down into the individual contest threads, so I'm just gonna post all the horn porn right here. A few "As They Lay" in my basement. A few "As They Lay" in the field. And one "As It Lays" next to a nice, cold beer. Chalk up 9 more for team 6. 8 small ones and one big boy. Here's a nice 4x shed that is the match to the same right side that I picked up last year. He went from 90"ish to 120-125 in the course of one year. Here's a nice 110-115" 5x? At this point, I had to put the camera in my plastic baggie, because it was pouring like a mofo. I used my cameraphone to snap a picture of the big boy. 64" 4 pointer. Mass like a ballbat. 5, 9.5 and 6" tines. Really impressive antler. You can figure out which one is the big one.
Here is a photo of the shed that I found this morning. Two of the points were barely poking out of the leaves. It might be hard to see because it is a cell phone pic.
A 5 point shed that should of been a 6 point but had that tine broke off. It was in a cow pasture where some deer where feeding on the grass.