Well I'm on the board boys! I shot a large antlered doe! Never seen anything like it. Video and more pics to follow! Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I plan on scoring it as my antlered deer for the contest. Figured that is the easiest way. Then I will shoot a normal doe or buck for my other 50 points.
Hi Team below is my entry for the 50 points doe. I had three deer one adult doe and two yearlings come in Monday night Had a shot at the big doe at 25 and i think i hit a limb as the arrow went off to the right and up ?? into the brush(WTH) I had let one of the young deer walk past. The big doe and one yearling bolted back into the woods at the sound of the goofy shot but the yearling i had let walk by just ran around in a circle and stayed in the area. So i reloaded. A tree reach around as my quiver is on my back pack. The deer stepped into the shooting lane at 20. I have been working with 2 kids in the neighborhood and sent them a text and had them come over to get a tracking lesson and butchering. Almost forgot the two pics for the contest LOL I have uploaded two pics of a buck in the area that will be on the hit list. One down and at least one more planned Congrats to all the team kills Hi all Team 24 Bellys Up Doe 50 pts, October 9 2017 , Fredericksburg Va @ 6:30 pm 87 degrees wind s/sw Mathews Chill R 70 lbs --28 in Easton Hexx @ 420 gr--2 in NAP Kill Zone --Vapor trail Limb driver --HHA single pin
Going to fair and truck pulls tomorrow then game on thurs for my first sit of the season. At lunch I'll pull SIM cards then go hunting in a different stand in evening Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Grats on the doe! My first sit will be on Friday evening. Hoping rain holds off and I can hunt more than just Friday evening. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I'm about to head out the door for a morning hunt... Sent from my LG-H830 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Good luck being out this morning. I went out last night and it was windy and rainy. Not my definition of a fun sit. Sent from my SM-G955U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
So got vacation 11/8-11/11 then 11/13-11/15 and prolly gonna use my strategy if everything plays out. When rut is in full swing I'm gonna try and take a doe in the a.m that's most likely in heat and prop her up so she looks alive and let the boys come to town. I've done this couple times before and works pretty good Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk