Went out hunting last friday, got in my stand about 430. Not seeing anything yet around 530 i see a storm rolling in. looked like just a little rain wouldnt last no more then 30-45 minutes. When the storm was almost to me i look out into the field and see 3 does walking into the soi beans about 300 yards off. I watch them for about 10 minutes making sure i would not miss anything trailing them. Then it starts to rain, a lite drizzle and just a pinch of wind blowing into my face. The does bedded down into the beans while it was raining. The rain had let up to almost nothing and the does start to move a little again when i look to the corner of the field coming off of a hill, standing there were two bucks side by side watching the does. One was about a 2 year and the other maybe a 3 or 3 1/2 year buck standing about 200 yards off. I was wondering in your alls opinion do the deer move better before, during or after a rain. Because i dont care to get a little wet to kill a deer.
The Deer will know when its gonna rain , but there not gonna know to look up in the sky and say hey we better get out in that field and eat its gonna rain in 10 minutes , they will do just as you seen , i've seen it many times over they will plop there asses down in the field when it starts raining , and i also seen them just keep going on with there bussiness while it was raining .....i'm not sure on how to give any input on your question it could vary on different situations i recon .
I always have noticed on my hunts right after a big rain that the deer are especially active. It's that cool, moist feeling in the air that makes you know it is gonna be a good hunt
I've usually seen more movement before the rain personally, but that may be because usually the only hunts i have hunted after the rain has when it quit overnight and they had a few hours to go romp around before i even get on stand
Some good advice, i guess it really just varies. I love hunting before or after the rain, minus the wind though. I have noticed though i will see more deer before then after the rain. Have no clue why.
Rain I'll hunt any day of the week. Winds over 20mph however, and you might as well just stay inside.