A couple bucks I've killed and a bit of history with them. First one is I'm guessing a 5 year old. He was a running fool and never could pin_point his actual living area. He'd be one spot one day, 2 miles away the next. Shot him with a muzzelgun. From where I killed him and the shed I found were 5.5 miles apart. Second one I killed with a rifle( my last one) about 15 years ago. As a 3 year old, he was VERY active. I liked his look and passed him several times with a bow hoping he'd turn into a great buck. He didn't. He turned into a ghost after 3 year old. I finally decided to kill him as he really didn't grow much antler wise but was a stud bodied buck. 3rd, I just got lucky. I seen him laying in a stubble cornfield with a doe. The lay of the land looked favorable for a sneak. I got permission from the owner and literally belly crawled 1/2 mile through mud. Got within 20 yards and shot him in his bed.(arrow). He was an old broken down buck past his prime. The landowner was NOT pleased with his wife for giving ,e permission as that's the buck he was trying to get. Anyway, just drinking beer n reflecting. I've been blessed with a good life hunting.
Cool bucks I like to get all buzzed up and reflect on past memories too. Beer makes me get all sentimental
Lol Shocker. I've acquired SO MANY memories. That's basically all I've done for 40 years is hunttfish. No sports,I avoid socially gatherings like a plague.
Was hanging out with my cousin drinking bourbons and yarning this weekend. First time we ever had a full on several day deer camp without at least one of our dads there (they're brothers.) He told me at least 5 deer camp stories that he'd already told me a half dozen times before. I didn't even interrupt him, just let him yak. Missed the old timers. Think that's why I hit that wall so hard. Wasn't seeing deer and camp wasn't the same.
I must missed the "wall part" Noods. What happened? I sure do miss some of the old timers I grew up with. They sure could spin the truth
Gosh for me it was my uncle. He was everything i wanted to be. Big as an ox, strong as a bull, killed all kinds of game and caught more crappie and bass than anyone id ever seen. He was the biggest Bullshitter you could ever know. Him and his friends are who i grew up watching. I looked up to them like Gods. Even now at 40yrs old my friends think they are the funniest things alive. When i was 12 they put a cigarette in my mouth and had me drinking a keystone light. Took a pic and sent it to my mom as a Christmas present. Thats how funny they were. I miss them and those days 1988-1995-ish
Hunted only one weekend in early October, then starting on Oct 31 I was off work (still am off) and planned to hunt pretty much non-stop through Thanksgiving. But yesterday AM, I woke up at camp and had just had enough. Needed a break, the woods were dead and without the old timers camp wasn't the same. That was the Wall.
Ive hit plenty of walls myself. Luckily i waterfowl hunt and have some buddies that exclusively do that so if i need a break from deer hunting i fall back on that. It kills me sometimes to be duck hunting first 2 weeks of november but i feel refreshed after stepping away from the deer woods for a day or 2. Take a breather and maybe you will feel like hitting it hard again. If not who cares.