I stayed home yesterday and took advantage of my time home by going out in the woods looking for sheds and picking up a climber I had left. When I got home I saw that the string suppressor I ordered from Cabellas had arrived. So I put it on and then went in the yard to shoot. I liked it and then went inside to watch the hunting channel......as I watched the shows, I had a beer or two.... I went back outside to shoot some more. After two beers I could shoot better than no beers. I went back inside and watched another show andf had three more beers....and then went back out to shoot.... Not quite so good, but not bad. I then went back inside watched another show and had 3 more beers..... Not so good. Lost three arrows and put a hole in my boat. SB
LMAO SB!! When I shoot darts I'm dead on after about a 6 pack. When I get passed the buzz stage It takes a turn for the worse. Earlier this summer I was having a terrible time with my form while shooting my recurve. I got pissed and quit shooting and had a couple of beers with a friend that stopped over. After he left I picked up the recurve again and I was spot on with everything. The 2 beers I had relaxed me allot.
Heh........not really a safe thing to do with archery, but in darts.......that 3-5 beer zone is definitely where I shoot my best. :d
WOW!!!!...this has to be the funnest thing I have read today. I will admit, I do drink one or two before my indoor league and I have found I shoot better. Not sure why, maybe I am just more relaxed. However, after 8, I would not even think of picking my bow up. So how bad is the boat?
As long as you're doing it at home, I don't see that much problem with it. I've sipped a few and shot while tuning my bow or tweaking a friends, and it's not been such a problem, get sloshy drunk and then we're talking about a whole different situation. That mellowing effect of a couple drinks probably does help get some guys in "The Zone" as it suppresses your anxiety a bit, and allows you to shoot much more relaxed than you might otherwise. I notice that stone cold sober, my pool game sucks, compared to what it's like after a few cold ones.
I wish I could be outside shooting my bow and drinking beer, but -30F puts a damper on that idea. I cracked one yesterday before I started shoveling and by the time I back to it for a second drink it was a frozen beer slushy, which wasn't bad. I guess I should have slammed it, my bad!
i used to be in a league every thurs in MN... a group would come in that had been drinking prior each week... a few of us said something and they made a rule later that next yr... i have shot with a few in me before and know what yall mean about the 3-5 but safety first i guess. dont think i'd fire a rifle or a gun impared, but around the house or on a farm i have been guilty of some pops and my mathews...oops
Absolutely!!!! I think anyone who doesn't align their broadheads w/ the fletching is like really really askin for trouble. SB
So if your fletchings and bh's are aligned...you can drink beer and shoot safely? I'm aligning mine right now!
I sub in on a video league once a month or so and drinking while shooting the course is almost a requirement for those guys. A few beers during and then after it's no holds barred. I cringe when they call as it is usually a weekday and I know it means trouble.
The British have a saying about drinking while hunting game birds and I praphrase: "If you're shooting poorly in the morning a dram (shot) at lunchtime is a good idea. If you're shooting well alll morning skip the ale at lunch." Apparently they sometimes hunt with firearms while having a drink or two, not so safe! However the slight amount probably calms your nerves if you need it! While hunting I'll wait for a libation until after the hunt, however when shooting my bow in the yard during the summer I'll have a beer or two and it sometimes does have a calming effect!