I have got some pics of some good buck but I have not seen any deer in a month where do u guys think they are bedding I hunt in the back off the orange area facing toward that pond most of the deer I have seen in the last 8 years come from that pond area or to the left of that pond just wondering where y'all think there bedding thanks brad
Is that a power line right by the pond? They might bed there if it doesn't get much pressure. Its hard to tell not knowing what activity that area gets. Also, how close to do you hunt to end of property? Anything planted in the field thats SE of property?
You can ask yourself a few questions to get yourself pointed toward bedding areas. Where is there the least human disturbance? Where is the thicker cover? Where is there changes in elevation? If you find an area that is away from a lot of human activity, has thicker cover, and generally sits a little higher than the surrounding lands.....you should be on to something.