Will do Jason. I joined yalls FB page. Ill check out the YouTube channel tonight while im on watch....solid way to kill 12 hours haha. Hey guys, today i finally got a chance to get out and do the ALS Challenge....archery style. I will embed the video below. I played college football, so Ive spent more than my fair share in an ice tub haha, so i figured this would serve as a duel purpose...practice and donating to a great cause. Check it out! [video=youtube_share;GLVFiWLlzPs]http://youtu.be/GLVFiWLlzPs[/video]
How are you guys thinking this is going to play out with the coming winter supposed to be even colder than the one we just had?
Im hoping it is colder. Down here in FL i shot a doe in early December when it was 80degree...miserable
I love novembers in Iowa! Temp range of 40s-20 degrees usually. Nice crisp frost on the ground in morning and about 10 a.m. you're sitting in comfortable 40s. I get to go pull cards tomorrow! Can't wait!
In all honesty, I'm hoping for a cold but less snowy winter. I just can't wait for this lull before the season to be over.
For me it was pretty cold but we hardly got any snow at all. So the deer were just living all over the place which made it hard to shed hunt. 3 more days!
Well pretty disappointing card pull. It seems a pack of coyotes moved in. Have them nailed down to an area. Might have to go eliminate that problem. Good luck bowhunter1997!!!!!!