Good job cledus!!! I stand right now, listening to 3 different woodpeckers. Scared a coyote off first light. Been hearing a lot of movement, nothing but the dog wannabe been seen.
this is the 8 pointer that i was talking about. look up "Chuck Norris" buck to see the one that my dad and i both shoot this morning. He got the kill shot, so he gets the post. stupid bow hanger.
Sorry I haven't been on much. I've been super busy between work and school and haven't had any time to do anything with deer. Also it doesn't help out season has been shut down for a few weeks. It opens back up on the 22nd so hopefully I can send a gold tip through one.
Plenty of pics were taken, lol. Here he is, not the biggest buck, but I get another buck tag after Friday so I couldn't pass on this public land buck. Where we hunt requires us to either walk 2.5 miles back to our spot, or take a boat back and still walk a thousand yards or so to get in stand. It's hard work, especially when you shoot something and gotta get it out of there, but to me that's what makes it all worthwhile. Gonna have a buddy help me measure him sometime this week, but I don't think he's gonna score that great. But i'm proud of him.
Sorry for the delay, guys! I spent all day trying to help my buddy get his buck! He liver shot it last night, and backed out. Found him this morning and chased him around from 7:30am until 11-12. After getting shot 5 different times he went down. These creatures are so strong, it's incredible. Overall this was one of the best weekends ever, spending it with some of my best friends and getting to be a part of so many great memories.
I'll have tuesday-Friday off work to try a put a doe down. All the pressure is on You now sycamore put one down!
Love it!! As far as the contest is concerned it's going to take 150" buck plus to make any real noise. If I could put a 150" buck down plus a doe by Jan. 15 I'd obviously be pleased with that, history suggests I won't... But I also got a pretty sweet Barracis plot that should be a good late season spot if push comes to shove. All and all, I think I will get a buck on the ground but ya just never know! You guys have done a great job, heck of a team! Could someone update us on what team members have entered any kills? Let me start the list: Sycamoretwitch: 0 points.
I entered a doe, and will enter this buck after I have him measured. Probably won't be too big though.
History suggested I wasn't going to kill a deer this year, and look what happened! HoytHunter831: 202 1/8 points
Good point!!! I like this, people are following directions - what a novel concept. Name: Points REPEAT! Sycamoretwitch: 0 Cledus: 50 (plus buck on the way) Hoyt: 202 1/8 Points