Possible I even walked over to the path they walk through in the middle of that thicket and put estrous on my boots trying to pull him off that path to me and he didn't even flinch... I figured he'd hit that and be hook line and sinker. Naaaa too easy. Well I tell ya, a lot of season left and I hunt hard to the bitter end - but if for some reason I don't tag a buck this year I've learned an awful lot this year. Just being in bow hunting for 5 years now the learning curve is very steep - I'm a self taught hunter which means I still have a very long way to go. I got lazy this afternoon, I had time after my morning hunt to get lunch a quick nap and out to my other property to hang a set right down the middle of this thicket, not a lot of trees to hunt and would have to do a little clearing but I've got 2 trees that would do the trick. Well I got lazy and decided against it said I will just hunt the stand on the side of the thicket (which actually works well for the south wind) sure as ****, that buck walks 10 yards from where I should have hung a stand tonight. Im kickin myself pretty good as that is the second time in as many hunts on this property that deer has followed that exact script and I didn't adjust the first time! And the one that got away, this is the guy I've been after. And I think this is a different buck I've been chasing.
Ahhh bummer! Live and learn. It's easy to get lazy and they usually make you pay. I know the hard way. On a side note I about smoked a 160 in my truck tonight lol:/
My buck hunt video is done but unfortunately due to tresspassers, poachers and other ppl trying to steal my lease I can't post it until later this month or after season.
Well stick with it bud ...sure looks like your on the right track!! Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
Hung a new stand this morning, and checked a cam close by while I was at it. Lots of buck movement on that side, but only one decent one. Just waiting on the right wind now..
Just checking in and letting you guys know I didn't fall out of my tree stand and die or hang myself with 200lb power pro (work joke). Been doing awful hunting wise, I can barley get out with school ramping up and the girlfriend wanting to do things other than sit in a tree. I probably get out once a week and have been seeing very little activity. I've seen a few does most times out but no bucks and thats quite discouraging. I saw a piebald the other day which was sweet but that's about the highlight of the past month.
Well two doe so far, been awhile since I've seen any of that variety... I know exactly where them two are heading to bed, unless its a 20 yrd shot I aint real grand on the idea of taking a doe in early November plus she was a bit skittish. 30 mins later 2 possible shooters in the other food plot - I couldn't have hunted that plot cause of the wind. I grunted to no avail. 15 mins later. And a button buck... Wow, heck of a hunt so far. 25 mins later 3 doe and a fawn and as I type a spike and chases 2 of them off.
Got the stand put up that I should have put up 3 months ago... Smack dab in the middle of this thicket. And yes I have some shooting lanes, trimmed them out. About 3 to my left and 3 to my right and 1 in front...
Well described! You know, been hunting this property for 5 years this year. Always knew this was a good area, never hunted it right. Always ran cameras back here and was always tromping through this area this is the first year I haven't done that and its made a big difference.
Went out tonight to fill my doe tag and saw 4 bucks and no does. Lol they are everywhere till you want to shoot one -_-
I'll get the pic posted as soon as I can, but I just saw a picture of a big 8 about 17 yards away from my new stand. LOTS of activity by the new one, most of it, thankfully, during shooting light.
Slow here in Wisconsin again. .haven't seen a deer yet this morning. .saw two bucks yesterday 2 eight pointers and one of them was a shooter..really windy this morning. .I'm hunting over 2 scrapes where both bucks checked and worked up with a lot of luck I will get one down Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
Well my last 2 days have been a big waste of time... Deer just not moving, locked down or sumthin. Cold weather coming next week should get em going, a week late for me. Will be pretty busy next weekend and good thing cause gun season comes in - I love guns and gun season don't bother me I just think every gun shot is one of my monster deer - I'm pretty entitled I guess... So I just assume not have to listen to all my deer gatting shot. Tomorrow morning will conclude 9 strait days of hunting. Sometimes I just try too hard I think. I don't fail for lack of effoet.