Yep!! I do my best to film my hunt but have never had a kill on film, so maybe this year I can get a doe or even a buck down on film!
Checking in from Maryland, I have a few deer running around my property lately that Id hope to get a shot at but they are still bachlored up here so who knows how it will be when the season opens. Got a great food supply on my property and tons of does, which means when the rut hits hard as it always does on the eastern shore, there will def be some big boys running through my property. Can't wait to get this season started on the 5th! Another idea is would you guys be up for making a group chat on cell phones that we could use to communicate off the internet, like maybe one someone puts down a monster just to let everyone know? I'm down for doing something like that if anyone else is...
I have a dumb phone so not sure if that would work for me or not. Otherwise that'd be cool unless it would get out of hand.
Yeah i mean obviously it wouldn't be just to talk all day, it would be if someone had a quick question when in the woods or shot something big or just had an idea they wanted to put out there about something. It would be a lot quicker then sitting around waiting for people to get online.
Chris checkin in from North Florida. Ill be hunting on my club, 1600 acres (no all mine to hunt), and will be making a trip up to VA for 18days in November, and hitting Alabama in January for their rut. I have a couple bucks here in FL i will be chasing all season that should score decent, but its FL so no giants by midwest numbers. Hoping to tag a beast while in VA. I will be self-filming all year long so i will post up all kills on here to share with the team. Good luck to everyone and lets put some bone on the ground and some deliciousness in the freezer!!
I'll leave it up to to a team decision on the cell phone topic. There are a couple 140-150's walking around the spot my dad and I share, so hopefully they decide to make the mistake of getting too close. My name is Mike, by the way.
Edited my first post and put the list up. I'll keep tabs on who has checked in and mark them off as they show up.
We need to start thinking about captain vote, too. If no one else wants it, I can do it. I'm going to start a suggestion list of names with "Antler Addicts".
I nominate either Fishsoft, Hoyt or .09 as team Captian any of those 3 is fine by me. Team name suggestions: Whitetail Be Gone Antler Patrol or Antler Pursuit Deer2Kill
I don't really have a preference on who is captain- as long as they are active and stay active for the season. I'll try to brainstorm some names today while at work: )
Or a banner in our signatures, not sure who would make it though. Does anyone know of anyone who could make us a banner or avatar after we decide a team name? I like when people have different avatars that way I can easily see who that post is by on this thread instead of looking at their name and trying to remember who it is. Otherwise if we all had the same pic it would be confusing, for me anyway.
I like the team banner ideas but I have no clue how to make one at all. Team name ideas....We could go for something for funny like Team Rifle Hunting or something like that or some name involving pope & young would be neat as well. It doesnt matter to me at all its just a name. Anyone keeping track of who all has checked in and who hasnt? I feel like we are missing a few people