Team 23 beastmode bow hunters Shot at 6:55 p.m. On friday October 10,2014 Breakdown in scoring boon&crocket Tip to tip: 8 7/8 Greatest spread:14 5/8 Inside spread: 13 3/8 Left side G1: 4 1/8 G2:7 G3:6 6/8 G4: 2 7/8 Mb: 20 1/8 Right side G1: 4 G2: 7 7/8 G3: 6 5/8 Mb: 20 5/8 Abnormal on left side: 5 4/8 Left side circumference H1: 4 6/8 H2: 4 2/8 H3: 3 6/8 H4: 2 5/8 Right side circumference H1: 4 7/8 H2: 4 3/8 H3: 4 4/8 H4: 2 7/8 Total: 121 2/8 Hope I did everything correctly please let me no if I didn't This is what posted on score card does it look correct?
Yea a guy good job...looks fine but you also gotta post it in the scorecard thread if you haven't already ...congrats again we are off to a great start as a team good job guys keep it up Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
REMEMBER! there are 4 mass measurements! Even if it doesn't have 5 points. The last one on the right side is measured half way between the last tine and the end of the mainbeam.
Pin&Stick you get your buck scored out yet? How did he measure? Congrats to you guys who have put does and bucks down so far, that is pretty cool. I've got next Thursday and Friday off work and the weather is going to really start looking good about that time, that and a pretty solid moon phase could prove beneficial for me!
.09 outdoors you need one more picture with your deer and bow for your deer to count in the scorecard. you have another? Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
From this post above I'm going to go ahead and guess this guy aint got a second photo nor is he taking a selfie with the deer.
Gotcha. ..not a huge fan of the second photo rule but rules are rules...well I'm hoping he has a second photo that would be huge to the team if he might put us in first Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
Hey guys just finished laying tape on him and he grossed out at 107 3/8. about to head over and log it in the scorecard thread now.
So let's get this straight. Our team has 4 does and 2 bucks shot right? One doe would not be entered because of only one pic. But all other 5 deer have been entered? Yes or No.
I just posted my buck, score, and both i reckon im tagged out for the contest. Wish ol Rey scored higher for us, but what can ya do? He was the biggest and the second oldest deer I had on the property...gotta love Florida haha