LMAO, guys are texting a Rob bear, what are the odds, another good one was Christine's, "what are you hunting in a mine field up there". Last night corresponding with Schultzy that I swear the one was a 3 legged bear because of the way it was hobbling, not unlike my doe. I must have missed the 3 rd bear through the trees because I saw them again tonight and it's a sow, 3 legged with 2 cubs. Thanks for all the funny texts guys, although I was paying attention to my surroundings, I was laughing as well. She kept standing and watching her back trail. I was watching it too and never saw anything. They all fed down the field. I was watching her hobble and gimp, the cubs wrestle. All in all they were there for probably 20 minutes. In the pictures below, you can see her stub of a leg, left front. And in this one, she raised her "peg" and hopped as she walked. Another gorgeous sit.
Those are great pictures. That's one of the reasons I love hunting you never know what you are going to see.:D
Rob, i really don't know whats in your water up there, but it sure does keep us entertained year after year. I look forward to every post!
Thats pretty awesome pics! I'm surprised she still had the cubs while only on 3 legs. Proves they are pretty robust animals as well! Awesome hunt!
Very cool pictures, Rob. You've got a heck of a spot. Love the geese photo. I heard a flock fly over tonight as well.
I laughed when I got the text! They look like last year's cubs...yearlings. I'm diggin actually being able to receive texts!
Bear sure are a treat to see in the woods while hunting. Problem is, they are becoming a problem around my area!
So Rob, is there a nuclear reactor or some very high voltage power lines in your area... That's just downright funny!!!:D
You have a gift, Rob, you have a gift. The value of that gift? Not sure other than for entertainment for others......but is a gift just the same. Thanks for sharing. Great pics
No way, the famous tomato, stick master is speechless. I finally did it! Am I off the list now? :p 130woodman, you are absolutely right. Hunting is like a box of chocolates. Siman08/OH, thanks. I try. BHF, I agree. Fascinating isn't it? I wonder how she lost her leg. I'd hate to think it was shot off but alas, that's probably the case. MGH, thanks Matt. One thing I absolutely love is the geese. Every night they fly over, sometimes flock after flock. They are so peaceful. Dan, agreed. I think/know they are last years cubs. She may have lost the leg after she had these cubs and may not have been bred in the 3 legged state. (If anyone didn't know, sows breed every other year). And now officially, welcome home Dan. lol Finch, you'd think I'd be golden huh. Video bear at my house (cinnamon), Video'd bear last year 3 times, saw him after archery and right before bear, see bear every year, see bears 2 nights in a row here but thing is. I've never had a PA bear license. We traditionally have a 3 day bear season the Mon-Wed before Thanksgiving and that's it. The last couple years we had a 2 day archery only bear season, I was not off work. I might rethink all that. michaelp, thanks my friend and it's been 3 days. :D rockinchair, yes they can be. I've had issue her at my house with garbage already. My cans have teeth marks in them still and my one deer target is torn with claw marks. Bowtech_Shooter, lol Pat, it's beginning to seem that way huh? Now all I need to do is shoot a giant, nontypical with 3 legs. Andy, as the fun continues, you'll get them. Same to you too, keep them coming. jackflap, lol. Thank you very much, I think. I'll trade this gift for a 160" typical to anyone willing to take it on. :D We can start calling them Jack bucks. :p Buckmaster, I usually see at least one every year. Last year I saw the same one 3 times and then a 4th on my way home from work as I pass this spot twice a day. This year so far, these I've seen twice in 3 sits. Is it no wonder I love this spot? Germ, you see cats, I see bears. My poker hand beats your poker hand. :D
Rob, You need to go play the LOTTERY, your one lucky Nancy!! LOL Great pics AGAIN thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!