I was re setting up a bow for a friend that IMO, the shop did a crappy job on. Its the Fred Bear lights out. After re serving it, tying in string knocks and a D-loop, and installing a Rip cord drop away, I decided to shoot it, first thing i noticed was a rattle in the string supressor bar. No problem, i tightened the set screw back up. BUT everytime i shoot it, the string jumps the supressor stopper. The rubber has an offset to one side and i have it set to the side it jumps off of Does anyone else have experience with this bow and had the same problem?? Im thinking of recomending the Mean-V to him, I love mine. Now about the bow, I love this thing, its a 50-60# bow and i was driving tacks with it. Just a little short for my preference on the ATA length.
Maybe you could just change the rubber stopper? Take the one off of your meanv and put it on his, see if that solves the problem and, if it does, all he needs to buy is a new stopper.
Unfortunantly i cant interchange the two. Mine is just a flat blount end with the rod being adjustable to center with the string. His is just a straight bar with the rubber stopper being off set to one side with capture type prongs on it.
Crick... I have the same bow but have never had that issue. But, I know what you're talking about as far as the off-set rubber stopper piece. I had to replace mine and luckily Bear Archery sent me 4 of them for free. I had ordered one from MeanV as a temporary but it just isn't right without the one made for the bow. Hope everything works out with the string jumping off though.
Now theres some hope I think ill have him do just that, and contact Bear and tell them the problem, im sure they would send him some replacements. Thank you!!!
I have had mine for about four months. I haven’t had any problems with the string stop but I have had cable clearance problems. I shoot a NAP freedom fall away rest which requires that the cock feather be in the up position. No matter what I have tried I can’t get the vane to clear the cables. As a last ditch effort I have ordered a Muzzy cable guard assembly to try and see if I can pull the cables out enough to clear the vane. It should be here this week. If that don’t work then I guess my Lights Out goes on the block on Ebay and I’ll find something else. I really hate that because I like the Lights out.
No problem, their customer service was great.. I contacted them about it and 1 week later 4 replacement pieces showed up in the mail. Free :D
Thanks Adam, Ill tell him DavidG, It wont (should not) hurt a thing to orient your vanes in the manor you mention. My Guardian had issues with blazer vanes and cable clearance also. I shoot my cock vane at 9:00 with no problems. Im using a ripcord. Why does a fall away require the cock vane to be up? It touches nothing on the rest when going through. That one has me baffled any one care to touch on this one?
Got the new muzzy cable guide in today for my Lights Out and it worked great. Now I have all kinds of room between the cables and vane. If anyone has or has had a problem with vane clearence on the Lights Out, the muzzy cable guard will take care of it.
I'm no expert and don't claim to be, but, why do you think Bear sent you 4 of these rubber stops? Because they know that they will continue to tear...as did my first one. I took a different approach to this problem. Since the string suppressor rod is not threaded, I decided to bend it around the cables so that the rod end was centered with my string. (I marked where I wanted the bend with a black marker then took the string suppressor rod off of my bow and slightly bent it with my hands over a piece of wood then just put it back in lined it up and tightened it down.) I then went to BPS and bought a PSE string suppressor rubber stop for $9.99. I know some of you will think I am crazy for doing this but it worked fantastic. It's super quiet and now I don't have to worry about my string ripping right through my rubber stopper. This did not affect my shooting accuracy negatively in any way shape or form. I am also considering doing 1 more mod. Actually buying a new cable guard rod that has a z bent into it like the older style bows and add a second string suppressor rubber stopper just to see what it'll do. I love my Bear Lights Out.
I also have this problem and wanted to remedy it. I was actually thinking about pulling the cable guard rod out and putting the cables on the other side of it. Currently my bow is RH and my cables are on the left of my cable guard rod. My plan is to put the cables on the right hand side of the cable rod and just flip the teflon slide over. Thoughts on this?
Ok so I still have and love my Bear Lights Out. But I still have the problem of vane clearance and the more I thought about my original idea of flipping the cable slide and cables to the other side of the cable guard, the more I thought that couldn't work because the cable slide requires the cables to pull on it. And with the cables on the other side of the cable guard they would be pushing on the cable slide. So I replaced the cable slide with teflon cable slide rollers that I bought from ebay. They look like this http://archerybowsstore.com/archery-product-teflon-cable-slide-rollers-for-38-compound-bow-guard I flipped the cables over to the other side of the cable rod and put them in the cable guide roller grooves and it's awesome!!! The draw is smooth! Now I have tons of vane clearance and it only cost me $7 including shipping. I'm also replacing my bent string suppressor with an STS. I hope this helps you other BLO owners out there.
I've owned my lights out since 2008. I've taken plenty of deer with it. My bow did the same thing. My solution was to buy the string tamer, the long one that screws into the front stabilizer thread, then you screw you stablizer into it. I swear by the lights out, but of course for the price you pay you cannot screw in a rear string supressor because there are no threads to do so, as with higher end bows. It was heck getting the old string suppresor out, we had to twist and pull with a pair of plyers, glued in real good. That being said, if you do what I did your problem will be solved. The other benefit is that you can adjust the new string tamer perfectly, you cannot do that with the factory string suppressor. I likewise replaced the stop on the new string tamer with the bear lobster claw and it's never missed the stop since, plus it looks neat. Super Joe, I have the same problem with vane clearence and I'm definitely gonna give your suggestion a try.
Dan, I used to have the same problem when the Hoyt's came out with a SS. It was a pretty easy fix, just make sure the string suppressor sits off the string about an 1/8th of an inch. See if that works.