I have a 60" Bear Kodiak 45# @ 28" thats been calling my name to use for some time now. I am going to give it an honest try for the rest of the summer. I cannot figure out if it is FF safe or Dacron only bow. I have no idea on age either it was given to me as a gift in '99 it has green face lams with a gold layer beneath then maple color throughout, serial # SL 4509 if that helps. If it is FF safe, what are the benefits??? I ordered a B50 flemish, bear hair rest and a new glove for starters. I have some misc. arrows for now but am looking at going with 29.5" Gold Tip 3555 with a 100 grain insert and 125 grain tip. Any Tips / Info / Brace Height / Nock point Info would be greatly appreciated.
It was a good choice to go with the Dacron. A picture of the limb tip would be helpful to determine FF compatability, but I think it's not. The Kodiaks are GREAT bows and time tested shooters. Your set up sounds like it will be good. Try a 7 1/2-8" brace height measured from the deepest point in the handle.
I have been playing with the brace height and it seems that the 7.5-8" range yields the best flight, I just have to get some "good" arrows set up!!! Thanks!
If you plan on hunting with this bow...remember that you need 100gr of arrow weight for every 10 lbs of draw weight. ie: 50lb bow=500gr of arrow, 45lb=450gr, 60lb=600gr. That's weight at your draw length.
Thanks - That's what I had heard, so I was intending on getting setup for that....we will see how the shooting goes before she hits the woods....so far I am shooting "well" groupwise at 15 with my overspined 2315s but am having issues putting them where I want them...oh well it is fun....on another note I found out the bow is a 1965.
Very nice looking bow and definitely not Fast Flight (D97) compatible. It would take a few shots but not repeatedly before limb tips snapped off.