Here's some pics of a bear killing a buck in Shenandoah National Park. As I understand the buck was hit by a car and the bear came down off the embankment and finished the job. But if one wanted to embelish the story by adding one more picture. You could say, here's how bears hunt these days they use treestands. Anyway they're neat pictures. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
i'd guess that deer was hit by a car... that bears just a baby i can't see him taking it down. but he is finishing it off. haha.. i guess i should read the post before i comment.
I got a kick out of the bear sittin' in the treestand. That's funny. Thanks for sharing those. Hey, by the way - take it easy shootin' with that shoulder.
Isn't it illegal to kill a deer within 50 feet of center of the highway lol Cool pics thanks for sharing.
I'd probably need a change of pants if I was heading out to the tree stand and saw the bear just chilling there.