Where would you shoot a bear with a bow if it was charging you? (This thread is in no way derived from the Opening Day 150" Buck thread.) Serious question. Some of you bear hunters who do not carry a side arm/long gun? Maybe someone who bowhunts for deer where bear live? What would be your go to if charged and all you have is a bow. Again, serious question.
Charging me? WHERE EVER I CAN! And then run like hell! Good thing it's likely never gonna happen. But if I could place a well placed arrow in that situation, right between his shoulder blades hoping for neck, spine, heart, lungs, liver, femoral artery. Again, anywhere I can.
Never really thought about it. I have been bluff charged a few times. I rarely carry a firearm. I have always stood my ground as they charged and slowly backed up when they stopped and woofed or snapped their jaws. If I had to shoot I would try for the chest and hope he died before killing me. They do die quickly with a hole in their lungs. Dean