How big is this guy? Is it a guy? Thanks¤t=MDGC0005.flv
It's either a really big guy or a really pregnant gal.:D Get ahold of Schultzy, he knows more about bears.
I was hoping Shultzy would check the thread. Are they still pregnant? It's a little late in the season
Shouldn't be, bears bear (lol) in the spring. Looks like a large bore to me, roughly 300 lbs, could go more. Could be wrong though, I was once already this year.
Bears breed in the spring and give birth while in hibernation. You would never know if one was pregnant, as their young are very small when born. As far as the size of this bear.....hard to tell. Definately built like a larger bear, but there is nothing to reference the size to in the picture.
Hard to say from that video but the belly is definitely hanging low. I'd say that it's an agricultural bear that is going to weigh in well but it just doesn't have the distance between the ears to be a true blockhead of a P&Y trophy. It's a heavy bear but it's not a truely mature brute. If it lives a couple years and gets some room between those ears it'll be a true brute but I can't even tell if it's a sow or not from that video. If I had to guess at this point I'd say it was a sow and I'd pass it up. If I was in the field I'd just wait a little longer and get a better judgement as to it's sex and trophy potential but it's not a shooter in my book.
Ive been around and seen enough bears first hand, im going to estimate that bear to be around 300#-350#. A good shooter in any bear hunters book. Im hoping to get luck enough to draw a tag next year.