Yes, I am a 4th generation logger and proud of what the logging industry has done for the wildlife in Northern Idaho. Our local elk and whitetail deer herds have thrived over the years from the logging process ie, selective cutting and clearcutting, the opening up of the canopy to multiple browse type vegetations, burning and extensive replantation. Done correctly logging is a viable component of wildlife managment and forest managment, not to mention you have something to wipe your arse with.
Hey buddy, I don't hug trees and I'm happy you can shoot elk! 4th generation farmer here, so I know what it is like when things run in your blood.
I'm Sooner - cowboyin, construction and keepin up with my two girls (wife and daughter) take up most of my time
Karl here. I'm a cheesehead that lives in Southern Maryland (military). My wife thinks im a deer hunter with a golfing problem... dont know what i spend more money on. Seen some nice racks on the golf course .. oh, and that isn't on the beer cart girl. Im always looking for folks who enjoy the same hobbies, so drop me a line if ya live in MD and want to hunt or golf.
My name is Scot and finally one of my friends (Ryan) let me know where the heck all of you have been.I know some of you were hoping I didn't find this site! Aside from spending time with my family there is nothing that brings me more joy,than matching whits with Whitetails.To say I love it would be a massive under statement! I am a partner in an Insurance Agency,have a beautiful wife and daughter and in addition to hunting I enjoy physical conditioning and am always in search of the perfect functioning outdoor clothing.
If you are going to call those boots "cowboy" boots.... Than we are going to call your boots "******" boots. Again, they are just boots. :d
Hi, I'm Matt. I live in the same state as Mobow but don't hold that against me. I like big fish, cold natty light and and good campfire at the end of the night. I also go hunting, alot, and pretend I know what I'm doing.
I'm one of the Matts. As the Matt above, I also enjoy chasing big fish and pretend to know how to hunt whitetails.
I'm Joe. I live in Fargo, ND right now but still think of myself as a MN guy and that's were I do most of my hunting and fishin
I'm Nate, by day I work in a Heavy Equipment QA department and and by night I moonlight as a "wanna be" bartender. Father of three and much too young to feel this damn old. Love hunting, fishing, golf, don't love scrapple or VA's weather. "Calling me sir is like putting an elevator in an outhouse. It don't belong." ps I'm kind of a big deal.
My name is Greg and I love hunting for whitetails and turkeys. I also enjoy Harleys, woodwoorking, fishing and boating. Trying to find the time is another thing. By trade I'm an electrician.
I dont know man, I got hunting boots, I got fishing boots, I got combat boots, Hell I even got a pair of ass kicken boots, I only got one pair of regular old boots!
Hi all!! My name is Doug and I'm from Raleigh NC. I am not yet what I'm gonna be but I'm better than I was:d I am a recent defecter from...
Hello, I'm Mark and am known as louddrummer on HNI. I wondered where everybody went and I found them. I enjoy bowhunting, fishing, ice fishing, lifting, carpentry, anything Chiefs, Royals, and Missouri Tigers, and of course, drumming. I'm a GIS Specialist by trade.