Hi my name is John and I am addicted to big whitetails. There I said it now I feel better. Welcome to all the newbs. How many of you stopped by the Bowtech Booth at the show? I was the tall one with the beard. :d
You just spoke to my heart! I can't get over how Swayze spots that knife in that dude's boot from accross the bar. I'm stunned everytime I see it.
I can't get over the Trophy Room. If that dweeb could kill all those animals in the trophy room then why couldn't he take a 400 yard shot across the pond to take out Dalton himself???
I'm Jacks colon. I get cancer, I kill Jack. I'm Anthony. And I have a spending problem. I spend too much time on this site.
Hello.. my name is Mike... you can call me the "supreme being". I like baseball and apple pie. Am not sure why Steve Guttenburg's a star or why anyone would need a degree to understand the Dewey decimal system. "You are the bouncers, I am the cooler.":d
Wolverines are 10X better than Redwings. Ive had both, also have had Justins, there ok too. (If you were being serious about the redwing boot thing, and Im talking work boots not cowboy boots...)
I suspect they don't want to introduce themselves until they're sure they want to stay. I mean really, once they find out what a bunch of scoudrels we have around here they might run REALLY fast for the door. LOL
I suspect they don't want to introduce themselves until they're sure they want to stay. I mean really, once they find out what a bunch of scoudrels we have around here they might run REALLY fast for the door. LOL
Hi my name is Troy, I'm a picky eaten, tree killing, whitetail hunting, shed collecting, mountain living, born and raised North Idahoan. :d