You could also say there is no difference in going 57 in a 55 and in stealing someone's treestand. They are both breaking the law, so, if you have ever gone 57 then you can't crucify someone for stealing a treestand, can you?. We can apply that analogy, 57 in a 55, to all kinds of law breaking to keep folks from crucifying others.
You raise a good point..... But let's say a your are convicted of shooting a deer 1 min. after legal shooting hours... and the guy next to see the Judge is convicted of stealing a treestand.... Who gets the harsher punishment? Would the fines be the same? I'm not questioning your post at all, I'm just asking
Depends on the value of the treestand and how the state applies its' game laws in valuing their game animals. I have read where some states are now fining depending on rack size. Theft is determined by the value of the item, petty larceny, grand larceny, etc.
The guy shooting deer in MI I believe. He cannot hunt for 3 years and pays a fine. Stealing a stand get you a fine I think.
I've read enough to make it seemingly "interesting" (enough) to talk to my GW about this. I caught some flack a few years ago, for admittedly going to my stand WAYYyyyy early in the AM, before. I taked to him about that (people's concerns that I was 'poaching', by doing this). He said "Are you kidding? You can't hunt in the dark". I'll be interested to hear his take on this.
I KNOW as long as no shots are taken (here), "no foul". But, common sense doesn't have the traction I once thought it did.
FWIW, the buck I shot this year was shot early, real early. I had a doe directly under me when I first saw him 30 yards away. I looked at my watch as I stood up. It was legal (actually when I shot him it was about 5-10 minutes after legal shooting time). That's right, my poop don't stink!:p
comparing speeding to hunting after closing time isn't even close to me. the state and or government isn't trying to eliminate driving, however many are trying to eliminate hunting. you may get a ticket for doing either, however no one is trying to ban driving but many are trying to ban hunting
My phone tells me when the sun rises and when it sets each day. I check that and the wind direction each morning before I head out. If I'm hunting in timber, then it's not an issue. I usually try to get in my stand an hour before that time. When I get in my stand I hang my bow up, put my harness on, and wait. This November, I had a little buck walk by me one morning a few minutes after the legal time. I was on a field edge, and it was slightly cloudy out. There is no way I could have felt good about taking a shot on that buck had he been a shooter, even though I was completely legal at that time.
Definitely disagree here ... Like I said earlier. in NY the legal hours are sunrise to sunset .... if you shoot after that ... you would be ILLEGAL .. no matter what YOUR definition is ..... like I said guys ... be honest ... ... lets forget the 1 minute after or before arguement .... lets look at 1 hour .... is that all of a sudden bad? Or would it take 2 hours? How subjective we have become .... Jeff made a great point with the snow ..... I could hunt all night in snow and a full moon .... would that be alright for some of you? If not, Why?
The cricle is we have laws for people because they are stupid, yet they are to stupid to follow the laws