That is all I wanna hear ... just be honest guys ... if you shot a buck before or after legal hours, you poached him .... period. oh, and being ignorant of the time doesn't change that
i wasn't going to post here but i decided that it was necessary. for anyone who thinks they know better than the law or those who make the laws are the same ones who will destroy hunting and hunting rights. being in the mindset that i know better then them or i can do whatever i want is nothing short of foolish. this is something ANTI hunting groups drool over, they can easily say this is what hunters do, they break the law and hunt illegally. not following the regulations that your state or the state you hunting in is plain stupid. what kind of example are you setting for your children or other new hunters, "do whatever you feel like" ??????? if you actually love hunting and want to keep hunting..... follow the laws, don't purposely break the law for your own advantage. take a watch with you, look at your regulations and follow them, otherwise you ruining it for yourself and everyone else. it makes me sick to see how many people think they can do whatever they want with no consequences. you may not see what your doing but you are contributing to the downfall of hunting, plain and simple.
Tony, you ever broke the speed limit...? Be honest.... Being ignorant of the speed limit doesn't change anything either. Is you speedometer calibrated correctly? I see NO difference in someone shooting a deer 2 min after legal shooting light(ethically of course) and someone driving 2mph over the speed limit. Just being honest....
Yep just like you said Tony ...a poacher is a poacher....speeding is's breaking the law...and breaking the law makes one a to use your own analogy or words...." a criminal is a criminal..." unless you have never or do not ever speed just a little bit....
You are right! One is a Law breaker the other a Law breaker (Poacher) also. Whether you do it, I do it, or Tony does it, will Not change that fact. IL Law is 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset. If a Bowhunter in IL is hunting outside those times IMO he is a poacher. I don't even push the limit. Most days I can't see to accurately judge a rack 30 minutes before or after Sun breaks or disapprears behind the horizon. You know how limbs tend to disappear in low light? Antlers do the same thing! I like to kill as much as anyone, but anyone that breaks Game Laws trying to tag an animal IMO are desperate and ultimately a poacher. Pretty simple actually! :-) Dan
I find it humorous, and I use that word lightly, that some compare rolling thru a stop sign or speeding to taking an animals life, especially the one we/some "claim" to have so much "respect" for, but still will shoot it after legal time with out batting an eye! Hell, since I admit that I speed and roll thru stop signs makes me wonder what are some of you guys doing on here, you should be out there shooting the big ole shooter buck out of season.... yes out of season , here in Wisconsin the season opens and closes every day according to the times posted in the book of regs! Oh well...... I'm off to go shoot some aerials.......
If I do that, Tony....I'll never know. Would it make you feel better if I didn't wear my watch (and COULDN'T look at it)? Honestly....I don't hunt field edges. Usually, it's light enough to see, when I'm walking out. And, I'm oftern surprised how light it really is.....when I do get outside the canopy. It's probably NEVER an issue. But, like I said......I never know. Not applicable.
Me either, like I said, my hunts begins when I can see and ends when I can't. I Drew on a doe this year, I could see her fine, but when I looked through my Peep and pins, I could only see her silhouette, could I have made the shot? Probably... Was I comfortable with it? Absolutely not.... She walked that day. Was I beyond legal hunting minutes/seconds? I have no idea.....
I'll say this (in defense of the clock-watchers)...... IF I got to hunt in the snow a lot, I'd probably look (at my watch). I honestly couldn't believe how long it took to lose shooting light, with the snow on the ground. I could see this creating an issue. In reality, I honestly think I could take an ethical shot (given a favorable - for light - moon phase) LONG after legal shooting time. It happens so infrequently, here.....that I don't fret about it, though. No snow? "Typical" woods hunting situation, here? Probably never an issue.....and CERTAINLY not anything I'm gonna lose sleep over (or question whether or not I need to turn myself in over).
BHF... please don't take this the wrong way... but.. speeding can cause the loss of life of a human. Shooting a deer 1 minute after shooting light ends... a deer..... So.... have you ever sped before? I think thats the point the previous poster was making... comparing apples to apples... not apples to oranges.
I think the point BHF was trying to make is about those claiming to have great respect for deer and then break the law to take the deer. The speeding anaology is just about justifying ones actions IMO. I drivre a 2002 ford focus, so I cannot speed
I'm not trying to justify KNOWINGLY breaking game (or any other) laws. My question is simple....... WHY did the people who made the game law regarding shooting times set what they did? Or.....if their intent WAS NOT to minimize the chance of hunters taking unethical shots.....what was it? Do you really think they sat around and thought to themselves......"I just don't want anyone shooting a deer before 6:07AM on Nov. 11th, this year"? I mean....are you really OK with someone taking that shot at 6:07.....if they've looked at their watch....and it's legal (regardless of the actual field conditions)? Or....would you rather they used their noggin and insisted on taking an ethical shot (regardless or whether or not their watch justifies the shot, or not)?
I understand this Germ. I just had nothing better to contribute to this thread. So much of the comparisons in here are apples to oranges... like a comparison of human life to that of a deer. I always thought this way about deer hunting. I don't care what any of you do... as long as its not on my land.
A law can't be vague so they decided on the beginning and end of twilight. They could have easily decided sunrise and sunset but, IMO, they picked something a little earlier/later so as to avoid hunters quibbling about having enough light to hunt with.
If you're referring to my analogy, it was not to justify, but just like it said, I see no difference in the two. I'm I guilty of both? Well I've sped before, Have I shot a deer after legal shooting minutes? I have no idea. The point I'm making is don't come on here crucifying people for ethically shooting a deer +/- a minute or two, when you run 57 in a 55. I see NO difference. I'm guilty of it, but no doubt that difference in mph could get you to a point in the road when a child runs out and you have no time to stop where as if you'd been going 55 you would still be 500-600 feet away. That's the purpose of my analogy. Edit: after reading Dukes post I've had a change of heart.... I would rather you shoot a deer out of legal hunting hours than to speed. Humans to Deer is ridiculous... my apologies.
Yet we still quibble If you hammer one after or before legal time, just state you shot at legal times, because on this board someone is going to call your neighbor or the DNR on you for sure