I really give up. How can you guys not see the difference in all your hypothetical situations? I'll try one more time..... In this (out of the 100 in this thread) hypothetical situation, it is just that. It's a situation. A situation where a decision has to be made. Hopefully an ethical one. Mr. hunter has wounded a deer and finds himself needing to put it out of its misery after legal shooting light. He now has a ethical DECISION to make. Same Mr. hunter is sitting in his tree when legal shooting time has come and gone. Somebody please explain to me how the ethical thing to do is to remain in your tree???? In the 1st situation you're breaking the law to do the ethical thing by putting a suffering animal out of it's misery. Second situation you're breaking the law to maybe get a shot at or see some deer. Nothing ethical about it.
NY....your spun version sounds different than our "real-world" versions. Where are you reading that I know legal shooting time has "come and gone"? If I know time's up.....I'm done. The ethical thing for me to do is........NOT take a shot, if conditions (light) warrant against it. "Ethically".....that's my boundary. Hey...I made a decision! You're STILL (IMO) confusing legal and ethical....and thinking they aren't sometimes mutually exclusive. Do you take that follow-up? If you DON'T....I think you're acting unethically. I don't give a rat's ass if it's legal or not.
What's spun about it. I'm not really talking about you necessarily. You don't think there are PLENTY of people that know exactly when legal time has passed but remain in the stand? No ethical anything IMO. Doesn't even come into the equation. Does that person sit there and say to himself "the ethical thing to do here is stay in my stand hopefully a buck will come by"?? I just think it's the responsibility of the hunter to follow the game laws. Not really asking a lot. And if one of those laws burdens the hunter by knowing the legal time to hunt and look at a watch then so be it. No i'm not. like i said though, ethics are simply not involved in the above case. Wouldn't hesitate a second. And I don't give a rats ass either. If I walked away from that situation I deserve to not hunt more than if I get caught putting the deer down.
Where's the pink rabbit with his drum? Barring the people who have to end at sunset, (and moonlight snowcover) for the states that have 1/2 hr before & after rules, everyoen is "debating" a situation that is probably only possible in 0.1% of all thier hunts. But that's the great thing here, we can debate things that will almost assuredly never happen...but we'll know the answers IF they did.
Yeah I suppose it is magnified here in NY. Matter of fact are we the only state that has sunrise to sunset laws? Makes for a lot of "huntable light". I would venture an educated guess and say 75% of deer are taken "illegally" but .................... ethically? lol.. I'm confused now.
A good question...The buck I shot this year was visible and on the edge of an open patch of woods. I could clearly make out the deer and the rack, to decide he was a shooter. I knew it was close to last "legal" shooting time. I did look at my watch and confirm I was legal by single digit minutes and took a lethal shot. The Buck didn't go 20 yards and expired. Had my watch said it was past legal time and I could still make the same deadly accurate shot...Hmmmm..well luckily I didn't have to contemplate that scenerio.