for those who use scent lok or any kind of scent protecting/eliminating clothing, do you honestly see a reward for using it? can you say that you see more deer b/c of it?
I agree but I'd never use it as my sole defense between human odor and a deers nose. If it helps 1% on top of everything else I do, then so be it, I'm fine with it as each piece I've ever purchased is just damn good clothing as well. If it works or not, I'm comfortable using it on top of my already anal scent control regiment. Does it work? I don't care, it's good clothing and helps me mentally, that's enough for me.
The thing people say the most is "my buddy had deer right down wind and they never suspected a thing, he swears by it and won't hunt without it." I also have had deer right downwind, under and around me and never suspected a thing and I don't use a single piece of the garment. Does it work? Research has shown it does not. I have a interesting article at home, I will post that when I return home from work. He even contacted the makers of this type of clothing and they can only say it is field tested. It also suggests that in order for that carbon to be reactivated it would have to be heated up to a temperature that would destroy the garment. To sum it up it says basically save your cash.
no. this is not a "here we go again" thread.. simply, have you seen an increase in deer b/c you used the clothing? I may buy some if people tell me they see more deer b/c of it.
I don't think anyone can swear they've seen more deer because of the clothing. Perhaps their skill level increased, more deer frequented the area etc.. etc.. too many variables. I too have had deer down wind of me while wearing scent control clothing but was it the clothing or my anal scent control regiment I mentioned above. I'll never know if it helps VA, I like the clothing I've purchased and none of the nay sayers can sway me otherwise. Gimmick or science, don't know, don't care, it gives me confidence, keeps me warm and dry and even concealed. I'll wear it cause it can't hurt and it has no bearing on what anyone else does so why do a lot of people care what we do with our own moneys?
My point exactly Rob. If the hunter is confident and doesn't feel that he has to worry about his gear/methods, then he can concentrate more on accomplishing his goals.
This is from another site and the oppion of Todd..Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I’ll do my best to give you my opinion of the following topics that are related to scent elimination – reduction. Again, this is just my opinion based on my experiences in the field and through other hunters who I consider to be “experts” when it comes to whitetails. This is all based on actual success (on the wall) versus marketing or advertising theory. First, I will talk about the idea of “cover scents” or products that are supposed to “cover” human odor. I personally believe the whole concept of covering up human scent with another scent is absolutely hog-wash! The scent detection abilities of a whitetail are close to or have been said to be even more powerful than that of a bloodhound tracking dog or other canines. I believe a whitetails sense of smell is that of a bloodhound. I’ve heard different opinions on this – but the overall opinion varies depending on who you talk to. I’ve talked to several doctors on this topic and from what I understand; we really don’t know what a whitetail is capable of smelling because it is impossible to test it. All we know is that it is somewhere in the range of a canine – so that is what I consider to be a baseline for my opinions. Consider what drug smugglers do to try to hide drugs from being detected by drug dogs. They have placed drugs in food, coffee, gasoline tanks, and a variety of other substances to try to disguise the smell – cover the scent of the drugs. The drug dogs are able to smell drugs though everything! Imagine if a drug dog can smell a drug through all these scents – that are about as strong as anything on earth. Now – the concept of hiding human scent with something like a scent wafer or the smell of a pine tree??? Yeah – you see the point I’m trying to make. The only scent that I believe may possibly mask human odor is the smell of smoke. Many native Americans believed this – and I’ve actually had a chance to test this by accident one time when I arrowed my first good buck. My clothes stank like smoke so bad (from a fire-happy hunter we shared camp with), that it literally gave me a head-ache while wearing them. If it wasn’t for the fact that I can’t stand the smell of smoke on my clothes, I think it actually may work to some degree – but I’m not about to add scent to my clothes EVER! You spray your boots with fox urine, skunk, doe in heat, buck in-rut, and the deer will smell both human and the cover scent. They can easily distinguish multiple scents at the same time. As humans, we believe much of this “cover scent” theory based on what we are able to smell, or not smell. It all sounds good – but in-reality, I personally believe cover scents do nothing to help a hunter in the field. I personally think adding any scent of any-kind is a bad thing. I want to leave as little trace in any-way-shape or form. In-regard to scent elimination. I’ve watched many videos and read many articles with so many different opinions it’s very difficult to know what to believe. I have done more research on this stuff than most, and from what I have discovered, there is very little data available to prove or disprove any of the claims these companies make in-regard to eliminating or containing human odor. In my opinion, there isn’t a product or a series of products on the market that can eliminate enough human scent to actually prevent a whitetail from smelling you. Here is my opinion, I personally don’t believe that they can eliminate enough scent to even make a slight difference. Not with a whitetail anyway – you are talking about an animal that can smell in the low parts per million. This is the difficult area of proving of disproving any of the products on the market because conditions in the field are so inconsistent – nothing is ever the same. I’ve been sitting in stand with the wind in my face and have been winded – straight up-wind from where I believed my scent would be traveling. We’ve documented this on video as well –
Personally I think It's a huge gimmick Landon. I tried the stuff out about 8 years ago and I got picked off just as much as without the stuff. Most of It Is great looking camo but some of It Is also noisy as heck. Never will I buy any of this stuff again. Save your cash Landon, JMO. One thing to add to this, I gotta laugh at the people who say If you don't use these "scent control clothes" your not practicing good scent control. I don't laugh at the people who use It, I laugh at some people for their reasons for using It. Each to their own though and whatever toots your horn.
If he is close enough for your Scent_______ clothes to have effect, he is close enough he CAN smell you. ( And he WILL )
I disagree with you there. Keeping clothing clean is a very important aspect of scent control IMO. I wash my clothing in scent free types of soaps and spray my boots and let them hang outside for about a week before the season starts. My clothes are never worn anywhere but outdoors. I don't believe this helps prevent me from being winded. But I think I leave less evidence in the woods that I was there. BTW...I used to wear a carbon suit for many years. I just don't buy them anymore as it just didn't seem to do anything for me.
Ok...sorry about that comment. It just seems like this subject has been beat to death and always ends up in some type of arguement.
What's the slogan now, "Hunt 360" or is it still "forget the wind and just hunt"?:d :d I bought into it, I tried it years ago when it first came out, honestly I couldn't tell the difference. I went up to the cabin one week and left my bag of SB stuff sitting in the driveway. I was bummed, but, I did see the most deer at one time under my tree up there just using my regular camo and being scent free as possible. I never wore the noisy hot stuff again, sold it! I'm VERY confident with my regular practices and I get it done with out it.
Personally I couldn't care less what anyone else wears or spends their money on. What does bother me is these companies prey on ignorance.......and that's just not right. VERY common in the world of hunting products.......but still not right. Carbon clothing does not work. Basic laws of physics and the chemical properties of the molecule prove that. Any and all perceived benefit by the hunter is nothing more then the placebo effect.
All of this could be said about quite a few other archery/hunting products yet no one makes a squeek when they are discussed.
good stuff guys. I wasn't being a jerk Cooter, I know this topic gets beat, but I wanted to know from you guys before I dump the $$ on it.. all is good cooter! thanks, I think I will save my $$
I think Gmmat hit the nail on the head. I agree. All I know is that when I was out west and got out of my suit after a day of hiking, I just about fell over from the b.o. So to me, it helps. Along w/using descenting soap, deodorant, washing the clothing in scent free wash, airing it outside for a week, etc.