Never read into this very much, but now I am curious. How do you do it. I have some FMJ's that are unfletched and I am just curious as to what I should be looking for. When you bareshaft tune, does it matter what target you use? I have a bag, a Block, and a 3D deer. I am hitting pretty good with the setup as-is, but I am just wanting to experiment a little. Help? (In plain, simple english. You know, I am from Louisiana.) Thanks, Bobby
I use a bare shaft and a fletched arrow. Adjust nocking point up or down until both impact together. Adjust length (spine) of both until they impact together. start with a full length shaft. A bare shaft that impacts far to the left is too stiff. impacts to the right is too weak. Be sure to use the weight tip that you want and start up close 10-15 yards. No need fooling with a shaft that's too stiff. Shorten the shaft to stiffen if it shows weak.. woodsman