Tree, that is! Does it make a difference if its a limb-less tree or not. Can you get away with more movement in a covered tree? What would you rather hunt from and why!
Well.......cover is always important, I want some limbs to hide behind. And the comfort factor for me is really good if I have some limbs sticking out below me. If I don't have any I spend most of my time hangin on! LOL! Really I haven't sit in a stand in a while without some kind of coverin limbs present, the sore thumb syndrome thing! lp
I would say having cover is essential to minimizing your movement. I have three trees with no cover and have been busted or watched the deer act curious and look up. I have also hunted in a Cedar tree and not been detected due to the branches and cover, Huge oaks also do well for me. Recently in Brown County I got busted in a cover free tree and then realized that any movement could be detected for hundreds of yards! That is one of the reasons I like Ultimate Camo, it matches up with the bark in a lot of trees and helps fool deer.
I guess I differ some, in that I prefer a more open tree? I guess it depends on what we call cover...having a backdrop behind you? heck yea, who wouldn't want one...but if your talking cover below me, depends on how much....Ive lost several shooting opps earlier this year due to how thick the "cover" was...but now since I have majorly trimmed back and leaves have dropped, I am basically in the wide open and not that far off the ground....still yet to be busted on stand. I'll take a high setup with little cover over a jungle setting on a lower stand...I'd rather be able to plan out when I move and have more space to shoot.
limbless for climbers of course, but the fatter the better. Limbed trees for hang ons is great and i especially love the pine trees for this. I think what is behind you in the back ground is the most important thing.
I use a climber so cover below me is out, what i do like is a few thick areas of ground cover or closely grouped trees near my stand, that give me cover when the deer walk behind, that way i can stand up or draw as they pass behind the thick stuff and be ready to shoot when they walk out into my shooting lanes.
it doesnt matter much to me. more limbs might be easier to climb, but might not have as many shot oppurtunities. looks like you raised some good discussion!
I need something below me. I think I will check into the leaf cover that Lone Wolf is selling now. A little pricey but I need something for my nerves! LOL! I've seen a few trees where you could take your climber up to the first limb and reposition your seat above it for a little cover and something to break-up your outline. But the previous poster was right, it's more important not to be skylined. lp
I look for oak trees this time of year, most of the smaller oaks have the dead leaves on them still, makes for great cover!
using the climber, there can not be any limbs from the ground to the point you want to ascend to. however, when possible I like a cover tree directly next to my tree. it doesn't always work that way though so I have to depend on height and wind direction along with scent control to ALL do their jobs. doesn't always work
Finding a perfect tree that is in the right area and has good cover is sometimes tough to do. I always go for the perfect location and then if it is lacking in cover I will make my own.