I've been looking at purchasing a new pair of binocs. I've pretty much decided on the Nikon Monarch ATB Binocs. The question is... do I go with the 10X42 or the 12X42 Not really a question of spending $45 dollars more for the 12X42. Heck it wouldn't even be that much if Bowhunting.Com ( Hint, Hint ) could get the 12X42 in since they are selling the 10X42 and are kicking Cabelas's arse by $15. Keep in mind... it is very open here so more magnification is nice and almost a must. These would be my hunting, scouting and shedhunting binocs. There is no weight or size difference between the two models... so not a factor. My main concern is low light conditions. Would the higher magnifaction be worse or is there any difference at all between the 2 models ?? I would rather give up a little in magnification to gain more in low light if there is much of a difference. Thanks!! Tim
I'd go with 10x...I don't hunt out in the open which from reading your posts it seems you do, but anything above that seems a bit overkill to me. Faster target acquisition if nothing else.