What are some good things you found in your experiences that work really good for baiting black bears?
Try to find a store that will give u their old doughnuts. I fill a barrel with those and other household scraps, and poor bacon grease all over the place. The grease seems to put the final touch on it. I`ve heard of people using beavers, they seem to bring in a variety of different critters. Never used them
Beaver, honey or bacon burn, beaver, road kill (where legal), and just about any food stuffs. Oh yea beaver works real well.
Donuts, bagels, muffins pretty much anything you can get from bakerys. Anise oil is a good attractant.
I like having granola and cookie dough and if you can get doughnuts get them otherwise we have used dry bread and poured a syrup jelly filling over the bread when we put it at the bait, basically makes a doughnut. To scent up the bait I have used liquid smoke but there is lots of stuff to use for getting scent out.
We had a bear in camp trying to get the T-bones out of our cooler one year. I guess T-bones might work! :D
1st of all location of where your baits are is number one. You need to find where their living or close to it and where they feel safe. 2nd of all mix up your bait. A variety Is a must. Bear are allot like humans. They all have their favorites. I could list more if you want. Feel free to ask and I'll give my opinion on the matter.
Cakes and sweet stuff like pies and stuff like that but a dead deer ive seen them eat one time but it has to be dead