Ive never seen a thread on this. But whats everyones thoughts on baited bear hunts? Or even anything baited or high fenced? I don't think it wouls be as much of a "hunt" and you will never see me on that side of arrow. I like to hunt where the animal has an advantage.
I dont mind the baiting bear one but high fenced hunts dont seem right to me. Its not hunting in my opinion. The reason I dont see baiting as a bad thing is because when deer hunting we use scents and calls to fool our game. Its a little different but not much.
I don't belive in baiting deer other then manual calls and a little bit of scent controlling spray. Hunting over corn piles is frowned upon where I hunt.
Same here in Iowa. I dont do it. I just figure out where they will be. I personally wouldnt hunt over bait but I dont frown on it either. If its legal and its in your alley go for it. Id rather spot and stalk a bear. That rush would be amazing.
Yea or even predator call in a big boar. That would be exciting! Not fun unless the kill can go both ways
These two don't even belong in the same sentence. I could explain the joys and challenge of baiting bears until I'm blue in the face....and have done it. But, its tough to do with someone who already has their mind made up that its not a challenge. Especially when that person lives in a state without any opportunity to do it. All I can say to any question like this is live it, experience it, before you come to judgment.
I've hunted black bear for 22 years. I've shot 10 bear In them 22 years. What's that tell ya? I'd put my effort and time up to anyone who hunts whitetails. I guarantee you I'll have 20 times the hours and sweat In 3 weeks of baiting and a week long hunt then most would probably have In their whole season hunting whitetails. Bear hunting here In northern Minnesota Is no treat. Most people where I hunt don't do the work themselves but Instead hire a guide to do It for them. I'm under 50% success rate which I consider low. I've done spot and stalk out In the mountains with bear, It's easier In my opinion. I've never arrowed a bear while doing this but I've passed up a handful of opportunities being the bear was too small. If I had the patience I'd love to take anyone with who bags to differ what I do Isn't "hunting". I know for a fact whoever It may be their mind would be changed and their ass would be dragging just from the work prior to the hunt. Then get them In the stand 1/2 mile Into 5,000 acres of big woods that you can't see past 15 yards and see how many times they **** themselves.
Last year was the first time I bowhunted. I saw 9 deer in 4 months. I saw 7 does, 2 bucks. 4 chances to kill a 2 1/2 yr old 8 point passed up each time. I saw a monster on the day before gun season. Didn't hunt for a week because of a gun season and got back out into the woods, everyday for a month. Didn't see a single other deer. I'd rather do that then sit over a manufactured deer supplement.
I did read the question on his very 1st post and answered It! My last post was referring to his last post In where he referenced deer hunting and not bear hunting.
What I said refers to bear hunting but with deer instead. Its the same reference but just a different animal. Just like donuts, oats and baits to bears as in piles of corn, acorns and apples to deer. I just don't believe in it but my opinion is not the same as yours.
LilSiman, I don't care what state/province you hunt In, you don't need to bait for deer to be successful In shooting one. Bear on the other hand In certain area's Is a must If you want to manage the bear population and get yourself a bear. Your knowledge of bear and the terrain I hunt In Is your worst enemy here. You know nothing of either. Bear and whitetails couldn't be anymore opposite with how they live. Whitetails follow trails and are predictable, bear just roam and go where ever whenever. Please don't throw opinions out there on something you obviously know nothing about. Instead why don't you ask people such as myself and others that have many, many years Into bear hunting why we bait and the experiences we have with It. I take bear hunting very serious, It's my passion. There's so much more to baiting bear then just throwing donuts down. To be honest this bugged the hell out of me all night. You come from a good family so I I'll cut you a little slack here. Have you ever trapped? Ever fished?
I understand where your coming from with the bears and your right, I have no idea what I'm talking about but it was just what I was thinking. My bad. And I've never trapped, but do fish for basically anything. My favorite fishing is trout in PA.
Anytime you want a little Info on something just ask. Thanks for not taking what I said the wrong way. Your a good kid along with your bro's!!