Zach. Thanks mate. Well work has come to a stop for a little while. I have just finished sanding in the first coat of the finish it will take a day or so for that to dry completely then it is back to wet sanding the finish smooth, then repeat another 4 or 5 times The limbs are all but finished just need to do the tip overlays, going to go with black tips to match the black tails:d
Are the overlays on the limb tips for protection mainly or do they help w/ adding draw weight, I cant remember exactly what I read about it but I thought it had something to do w/ adding a little bit of draw weight.
Dave. You can have any color string you want. As long as it's green/yellow with yellow center serving :d
Dave. The armguard,stringer, brass inserts and DVD arrived today. Still waiting on the arrows, feathers and blunts. Oh and the Tabs from Joe.
Feels like my Bithday has come early , good job i had that overtime lastweek . My pockets are emptying quicker than i can fill them :d . Its all worth it tho .
Just a quick update. All I have to do is finish the limbs off, I ordered some overlay material on Monday so thats the hold up at the moment. I have the limbs sanded down ready for when I get the overlays done. Here she is loosely put together, I have 1 more coat to put on the riser, plus the calf hair rest and some black felt under the limbs and the riser will be complete:d The limbs look crappy at the moment because they have been sanded down and the clear class is a little cloudy but once I get finish on the cloudyness will be gone.
Thanks guys. I just hope she shoots as good as she looks Plus I hope I dont blow her up when I test shoot her:d
Cheers mate , I really appreciate you doing that . I have to say Russ , SHE LOOKS AMAZING . You have pulled out all stops for me and i don't know how to thank you enough